(Located somewhere in Lekir Manjung)
Visited and inspected this BH located somewhere at Lekir Manjung Perak.
The owner wanted to know why after 5 years into operation and only produced 1.5 nests.
The BH dimension I estimated to be around 20 feet wide by 60 feet long and two stories.
It uses this monkey house design for its main entrance hole.
After almost 40 minutes of inspection I listed a few observations that might be the main reasons why this BH is not doing as per its designed purposes:
1) The most critical was the nesting room brightness. On both floors the nesting rooms brightness failed to meet my 2 feet apart test. I told the owner to stand two feet in front of me and asked him "Can you see my face?". He answered yes. I told him that BH nesting rooms must be dark enough that when two person stand two feet apart are not able to see each other's face.
2) The air flow inside this house was more or less stagnant. Main culprit might be due to those ventilation holes design. The ventilation holes were located on only two walls, the front and back but not the length. Beside this poor design the way the holes were covered using those special pipe covers might block the air flow. The mouth of extension pipes were randomly shut.
3) The main entrance hole that was opened on the monkey house extension was not proper and not facing the right direction. It was facing the West and not the East. At the same time the flying path from the outside into the nesting room seems to be like those birds will need to turn 180* to enter their nests.
4) The window size was a bit too small and not properly positioned.
3) There was no hexagonal tweeter on the monkey house roof. The sound from the main entrance hole only push the external sound to the West and non to the East, North and South.
4) The tweeter arrangements at the main entrance hole was incorrect,
5) There were two types of tweeters used and the entrance hole. Only one out of 5 tweeters were working. I think the unit that was running must be the least resistance.
6) The bright light that pollute the nesting rooms seems to be from the evening sun. This happened when the sun ray entered the main entrance hole and hit the wall. The light reflected into the nesting room since there was nothing to block the light.
7) There were quite a number of bird shit spots on both floors especially below the internal sound tweeters. However these bird shit spots have this peculiar characteristics. They looked like those birds are staying for many months but they refuse to pay their rental fee. My conclusion was that there were birds staying but due to the bright light they refuse to proceed with nest building.
9) The external sound was an old sound and I think they have never change the sound before. I did not change it because of my own personal reasons.
10) The main internal sound tweeters were wrongly installed. I told the owner that he need to be a bit more kind to those birds. If they like to hang onto the tweeter let them be. Current installation was a bit too drastic.
11) Beside those tweeters on the nesting planks I saw a few rows of tweeters on the walls of the nesting room. I inspected one of them and I was surprised that they were with internal sound.
12) The BH nesting planks need some cleaning and perhaps apply with some aroma. After 5 years they seems to have some dust on the surface.
13) The nesting planks seems to be at least 10" in width. A very unusual size which is only recommended for BHs that are located at higher altitude with cold air. The crossing woods were not with a straight line.
14) This BH floor was never cleaned before. I told the owner to clean them up before any renovation works and again after the renovation operation. New BH or BH after being revamp need to be cleaned so that you can easily check for any new tenants and apply the NKS operation.
15) The BH was with no humidifier in operation. The owner showed me a unit situated below the monkey house area but was not operational.
16) The BH after 5 years into operation seems to be very dry. I told the owner that his BH need to be cleaned and wet.
17) There was not a single fake nest found inside the BH. I explained the reasons why he should installed them and when to remove them.
18) During the visit I can feel that this BH is a bit too hot. Looking at the ventilation holes from the inside and compared with the outside you know that this BH is with two layers. However I might want to suggest that the walls be protected from the outside.
19) The water pond around the BH seems to be dried up and I told the owner its purposes. It can prevent ants or other crawlers from swimming across. He should fill up the drain but remember to put some fish inside.
Let me share some of those pictures taken:
Let me inspect your BH and tell you what exactly is wrong with your BH.
For this BH I planned to reorganize all the needful including re positioned the main entrance hole to face the morning sun and etc.