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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Where Do You Think The Birds Are When It Rain !!!

This morning while having my breakfast I saw those heavy rain outside.

According to my in law the last few days the rain having be very heavy and last for hours.

It was also mentioned that this few days there is this Nine Son God Festival. The Chinese believed that the Nine Son of the Sea Emperor is visiting the land and brings those rain together with him. (Note: This was what my in-laws was trying to convince me)

But what really intrigue me are those questions when asked where do those swiftlets goes?

Come to think of it they will be out there somewhere in the sky and they don't stop over taking shelter. So where do you think they fly to?

The best for you to do is to take a car ride and observe the sky during raining period.

I saw most of these birds still flying around and the rain seem to give little effect to their feathers. I have a strong feeling that they secrete a kind of oil that prevent their feathers from being wet. As such flying in the rain will not do any harm to them.

But if you look at the horizon, those rainfall covers only a few areas and there are many that are not heaving those rain. They can easily fly across the raining areas and move to those that are not raining.

Maybe they can fly above the rain clouds. If you take a flight, you know what I mean. Those heavy clouds are lower then those normal clouds. So they are always at a very low level. If those birds can fly above them, they are actually save from those pouring waters.

Whatever you conclusion might be I always think that those swiftlets welcome raining weathers because rains bring out more food/insects from the ground, ponds and the trees.

You see more of them in the sky especially above those padi fields and jungle canopies.

So you make a close observations and make your own conclusion.....

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