Edible Birdnest farming can be considered an ideal, most exciting and a very lucrative business. This venture is suitable for those who live in parts of Cambodia, Southern Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippine and Indonesia. This blog is dedicated to my findings, crazy ideas, encounters with newbies, comments from friends, local news, pictures relevant to Birdnest plus my personal experiences and knowledge gained in swiftlet farming.
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Thursday, December 31, 2009
Malaysians Are Investing In Other Countries !!!
We are loosing millions when more and more Malaysians are investing their monies to our neighboring countries.
One of the biggest reason is no proper guidelines........
I received a call from a good friend hailed from Tapah, Perak.
He used to be in Malaysia and very active in buying swiftlet bird houses plus opening a number of birdnests processing centers. He created lots of jobs for young unemployed Malaysian.
Recently he called and told me that he now have decided to settle in Thailand.
Why, I asked him?
Well Harry I am sick of those so called guidelines that until today still hanging.
We investors cannot wait. Just imangine if I keep investing my hard earned monies into swiftlet farming and every night having this nightmares that one day the Local Council will come and pull my BH down, what should I do.
Life is short and waiting for those guidelines to be out is too much for me.
I now sold all my birdhouse and now put my money over here in Thailand. Here the rules are easier and more towards helping the swiftlet industries.
"You go and talk to those Government officials and get those guidelines out. They are loosing billions every year where Malaysians are running away to put their investments in swiftlet farming in Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia."
He was right and I think those guidelines are long overdued. The Minister in charge should get his staff to finish them and get the cabinet decide. The sooner the better.
I remmembered very well when I was in the committee but soon after that the draft guidelines shifted to another department.
Then I came acrossed this article issued by my ex school mate now the head of the advisory committee to the chief minister of sarawak:
Found at: http://www.mysarawak.org/2009/12/09/lesen-ternak-walit-sukar-diperolehi.html
Pengusaha dari Sarawak lebih cenderung melabur di Pontianak, Indonesia dengan nilai pelaburan kini mencecah RM10 juta
MIRI: Kesukaran memperolehi lesen menternak burung walit menyebabkan pengusaha dari Sarawak le-bih cenderung melabur di Pontianak, Indonesia dengan nilai pelaburan kini men-cecah RM10 juta.Penasihat Unit Pembangunan Usahawan Bumiputera, Jabatan Ketua Menteri Datuk Adzmy Abdullah berkata, walaupun Sarawak merupakan pengeluar utama sarang burung walit di Malaysia, namun jumlah keluarannya masih jauh ketinggalan berbanding Perak dan Sela-ngor.
“Setakat ini kita mempunyai kira-kira 1,500 pengusaha sarang burung walit, namun tidak semua beroperasi kerana kesukaran mendapatkan lesen.
“Justeru ada yang membuat pelaburan di negara jiran, mungkin kerana di sana prosedurnya lebih mudah dan terjamin berbanding di sini.
“Sehubungan itu, kita menggesa kerajaan khususnya Jabatan Perhutanan memudahkan prosedur yang ada bagi menggalakkan rakyat tempatan melabur di negeri sendiri seterusnya meningkatkan pengeluaran produk ini,” katanya kepada Utusan Borneo semalam.
Antara pengeluar utama sarang burung walit di Sarawak ialah Samarahan, Mukah, Sarikei dan Miri.
Mengulas lanjut, Azdmy memberitahu setakat ini kerajaan sedang mengeluarkan garis panduan dan ia diharap dapat memudahkan para pengusaha yang berminat untuk menceburi industri sarang burung walit.
“Industri ini mempunyai potensi yang amat besar kerana sarang burung walit mempunyai nilai perubatan yang tinggi di kebanyakan negara Asia seperti China, Hong Kong, Singapura, Jepun dan Asia Pasifik.
“Malah negara Timur Tengah sudah menunjukkan minat untuk mengimport produk sarang burung walit. Ia mempunyai potensi untuk berdaya maju serta ruang komersial yang luas,” tegas-nya.
Menurut beliau, setakat 2007, Malaysia mengeksport lebih 150 tan metrik sarang burung walit dan menyumbang keuntungan sebanyak RM750 juta. Sarang burung walit kini dijual dengan harga RM3,500 hingga RM4,500 sekilogram bergantung kepada gred dan harga ini dijangka terus meningkat berdasarkan peningkatan permintaan setiap tahun.
Katanya, negara pengeksport utama ialah Indonesia iaitu 80 peratus diikuti Thailand dan Malaysia yang mengeskport di antara lapan hingga 10 peratus.
“Berbanding sektor lain, industri sarang burung walit tidak perlu menebang hutan, membotakan bukit atau mengeringkan paya, namun masih juga berupaya mengaut keuntungan berjuta-juta ringgit setiap tahun.
“Sehubungan itu kita patut galakkan industri ini dan agensi yang berkaitan memberi kerjasama untuk merancakkan industri terbabit,” katanya sambil menambah Unit Pembangunan Usahawan Bumiputera turut memberikan kursus bimbingan dan bantuan modal melalui Tekun dan Agrobank.
Mengenai pengeluaran lesen sarang burung walit, beliau difahamkan setakat ini Jabatan Perhutanan sudah mengeluarkan beberapa lesen baru kepada pengusaha yang memenuhi syarat.
I remembered a couple of months ago I met him in Kuching and suddently realised that he was my school mate at Ibrahim Secondary School in SP Kedah.
"Hei Dato, I think we were in the same school and I know you were prefects in the same year when we were in form six."
Oh yes Harry I remember you. You used to tackle those Chinese girls?
"Dato I married one."
I gave him the contact number of a swiftlet farmer in Pontianak, Indonesia and he drop by to visit them a few short week later.
His press released is something that is common. We are loosing many investors and until today no one seem to be bothered to get the guidelines out.
How long more are we going to wait? There must be a specific date and not to put our investors hangging.
How many millions will be invested else where?
Why not in Malaysia?
Then again once the guidelines are out you will be suprised the effects to potential investors.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Why Swiftlet Loves To Build Their Nests at 90* Corners !!!!
I love to analyse things that I observed in all the BHs that I visited.
Everything that we installed in our BH have some good reasons.
All those happenings that we observed after we started our new BH must have very good reasons for them to happen.
One of the most common observation will be "Why our tenants loves to build their new nests at 90* corners?"
Why don't they choose those flat areas? Isn't it better that they choose the flat areas?
Hmm..... to us we wanted all our nests to be those of 180* shape with 4 fingers size, super white and 5" width.
We wanted each to weight more then 10 grams.
But why must they love those 90* corners?
I recently bought a few kg of raw nests from a friend and the moment I opened the plastic containers what I expected were not met.
Nearly 85% of the content were 90* in shape. I was very disappointed.
This must be from a very new BH and the owner must have just started to conduct his harvesting works.
Let us crack our head on some good reasons why those swiftlet loves 90* corners.
1) Safety:
If I am the bird, I will firstly locate my nest at a location where my wife, her two eggs and later young babies are safe from any possible predators.
The 90* corners gives what I wanted. I have three walls surrounding my nest. The two side wood panels and the roof.
This might be the most important reason.
2) Easy To Build.
Since the two nesting planks are orientated with 90* I can build my nest much easier.
I cling to one spot and swing my head from one plank to the other with those thick saliva. With very little body movements I can get my nest up in no time.
This might be the 2nd best reason to why I choose the 90* corner.
3) Roof are with no gap.
One of the most important features of a 90* corner is the gap with the ceiling.
I need a zero tolerance gap above my nest. Without any gap will make me feel save especially from anything that comes from the other side of the nesting planks.
Beside predators I also need to make sure that my young chicks will not be exposed to those heavy breeze flowing on my nest. They will be dehydrated and die if they are exposed to heavy wind.
This is something that I feel important for my babies.
4) The light intensity.
Since there are three walls (two at the sides and one above) surrounding my nest, they will make the nesting area darker.
I have these echolocation ability and I can fly in total darkness.
Darkness means safe to my nest, wife and babies.
Very few predators can fly in total darkness.
5) Faster in Its Construction.
The faster my nest is readied the faster I can get my sexual intercourse with my partner. Remember once I penetrate her and release those sperms she need a properly readied nests within 8 days to lay her first egg.
90* corners allows me to accelerate the construction thus allows me to have sex sooner as compared to building at a 180* surface.
This fifth reason might be the best and most important reason among all. It is all about sex.
Remember the first time you wanted to have sex? You do nearly everything just to get her to say yes please make love to me now?
6) Stronger Nest Structure.
The amount of saliva produce during every breeding cycle is more or less the same, except during a severe weather conditions.
By choosing a 90* corner, the saliva can be used more effectively. They same volume can be used to strengthen the walls and the seats. There will be larger surface areas for my nest to be glued to. This will eventually prevent my nest from pealing out of the planks.
Peeling of nests do happens in most BHs that are occasionally flooded due to water system failures. Once your BH is flooded the humidity will be supercharged to above 100%. The nest tends to absorb the water in the air and they will become soft. Once the water in the nests is too much the peeling of the nest from the nesting planks will start to occur. If the gap between the nest and the wall become too wide the eggs will slip out and falls to the floor.
This factor is something that we rarely observed. Only those who happened to have water pipes problems will observe this phenomena.
With all the reasons given I think by now you know why 90* corners are a preferred place for those birds.
You can either look at it as a negative point of view or use this weakness to benefit your plans to populate your new BH.
If I were you I will surely give as many 90* corners to my tenants. Let them enjoy those 90* nests building and once the total number of nests exceed my target number, say 300 nests, I will then install those corner covers.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
How To Capitalise On Those Serinti Population !!!
If your BH areas or perhaps your piece of land that you planned to build a BH are with many Serinti Birds, how can you use them?
Remember Serinti is a closed relative of swiftlet but they make their nests by using those pine trees leaves or those tree moss "lumut" that have very little commercial value.
They are plentiful in many areas, especially areas that are plenty of food (insect) but no Swiftlet in the air.
Since Serinti have little problem in building their nest anywhere that are possible they thrive much faster.
How can you benefit from them?
The best recommendation is to construct a place for them to stay.
In Indonesia, there is this rice barn that the Indonesian called "Lumbung Padi". These barn are for storage of raw padi (with those pod covering).
The barns are usually big enough to store those harvested padi. The common size is about 2-4 metres wide, 4-5 meters high. The building will be as high as 2-3 meters from the ground (to avoid flood water).
They uses four pillars made of wood. The side walls are made of bamboo skin. The roof are usually made from the dried padi stocks (jerami)covered with bamboo skins layer.
It seem that these Serinti, if given a hole to enter, will use these Lumbung to build their nests.
The Indonesian will allow these birds to colonise the barn and introduce the foster parenting technique.
Per lumbung you can easily have 40 serinti nests.
Cost to build one is only rupiah 1 million only but you can buy one at 4 million rupiah.
Once the number of serinti nests are big enough you can easily generate your swiftlet. Just buy those swiftlet eggs and switch with the serinti eggs. Let the swiftlet babies be looked after by those serinti.
In this way you maximise the close relative to work for you.
Just have a look at the many Lumpung pictures that I gathered from the web.
My main objective to continue writing this blog on swiftlet farming is to expose everything that are relevant to those who wanted to get involve with the business.
I strongly believed that the only way to minimise failure is to get as much knowledge as possible before you invest in it.
If you feel that the lesson learned deserved an encouragement you can contribute a some donation to this account: Yayasan Kebajikan Nah Sabah, 100930010038410 at Allied Bank, Malaysia.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Insect Plantiful in Padi Field: Padi Sap Sucker/Hopper !!!
During the weekend I was passing a reasonable sized padi field in my hometown, Sungai Patani.
What attracted me most while driving was the number of swiftlets flying above.
There were at least 500 to 1000 birds flying in a manner where you can easily concluded that they were eating something that were blown upward.
What I did was to stop my car and walked towards those padi plants.
I wanted to check what kind of insects were coming from those padi plants.
It took some good minutes to detect the insects.
They were so small and their color were similar to the riping rice sacks. The young ones were green in color.
The camoflush really works.
I took lots of pictures and wanted to share with all my blog readers.
The most common were these padi hoppers that feeds on the young saps of the padi seeds.
Every plant I can easily detected not less then 4 to 5 of them.
The young one were so small and everytime the will blows I am sure some will be trapped with the wind and lifted above.
This must be the insects those birds were catching.
Have a good look and if you happened to pass any padi fields just stop and check yourself.
We need to learn and understand why the birds seem to prefer those padi field areas.
I am of the opinion that these plant hoppers are damanging the padi output.
The moment they suck those young milk from the padi sacks, they actually make the sack empty.
Just imagine if one day they need to suck one sack? The number of empty sacks will be in the thousands and this will reduce the yield of each harvest.
The number of empty sacks can be observed during the windnowing. Usually farmers do this by using the wind by alllowing the rice to drop from the air. Those will not seed inside will be blown away.
What the swiftlet does is to eat as many as they can and help to minimise the spread of these predators (padi field).
Interesting function of swiftlet I guess.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Other Then Red Meranti What Else Can Be Used !!!
Other then red meranti, have you ever thought about other materials that can make the birds loved to make the nests on?
I was reading Fatick Marzuki book and he recommended the used of aluminium plate with grooves. The size he recommended was 5 inches and maybe up to the length of your box (nesting planks box dimension of 30cm by 100cm. What he reminded was to paint the aluminium plate black.
Well you should also consider the use of those bamboo mat or bamboo boxes used as those containers to keep your things at home.
Look at the pictures below and see what I mean. Those guys who uses bamboo mat and containers are very innovative.
This are the things that we should conduct more research and we need to provide these innovative ideas to all swiftlet farmers.
If you analyse the pictures carefully you will realised that meranti merah is not the only type of planks that the birds will love to built their nests on.
There are many other materials that they will love to paste those precious saliva.
I have visited BHs with cement as the nesting planks. But most of them failed to get any of those birds to nests.
Then there was another BH that uses white coloured wood called Jelutong. Since it was a new BH there were no sign of birds entering during the visit.
My main objective to continue writing this blog on swiftlet farming is to expose everything that are relevant to those who wanted to get involve with the business.
I strongly believed that the only way to minimise failure is to get as much knowledge as possible before you invest in it.
If you feel that the lesson learned deserved an encouragement you can contribute a some donation to this account: Yayasan Kebajikan Nah Sabah, 100930010038410 at Allied Bank, Malaysia.
I was reading Fatick Marzuki book and he recommended the used of aluminium plate with grooves. The size he recommended was 5 inches and maybe up to the length of your box (nesting planks box dimension of 30cm by 100cm. What he reminded was to paint the aluminium plate black.
Well you should also consider the use of those bamboo mat or bamboo boxes used as those containers to keep your things at home.
Look at the pictures below and see what I mean. Those guys who uses bamboo mat and containers are very innovative.
This are the things that we should conduct more research and we need to provide these innovative ideas to all swiftlet farmers.
If you analyse the pictures carefully you will realised that meranti merah is not the only type of planks that the birds will love to built their nests on.
There are many other materials that they will love to paste those precious saliva.
I have visited BHs with cement as the nesting planks. But most of them failed to get any of those birds to nests.
Then there was another BH that uses white coloured wood called Jelutong. Since it was a new BH there were no sign of birds entering during the visit.
My main objective to continue writing this blog on swiftlet farming is to expose everything that are relevant to those who wanted to get involve with the business.
I strongly believed that the only way to minimise failure is to get as much knowledge as possible before you invest in it.
If you feel that the lesson learned deserved an encouragement you can contribute a some donation to this account: Yayasan Kebajikan Nah Sabah, 100930010038410 at Allied Bank, Malaysia.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Plastic Corner Covers With Aroma Casing !!!!
One new product that I recently discovered was this plastic corner cover that were designed with the ability to store those aroma.
I visited a BH in Rawang Country home a few weeks ago and while checking the nesting planks installation I saw this black colored plastic.
Hmm... at first I thought it was just the latest corner cover made of plastic.
"May I ask what is that black plastic doing on the corner?" I asked the owner.
Oh Harry that is not actually a corner cover but an aroma dispensing container. He answered.
Hmm.... this seem to be something new to report in my blog. I thought to myself.
"What do you mean by an aroma dispenser?" I tried my luck for an answer.
Harry let me show you one unit that is yet to be installed. You can see that at the bottom is a container to hold those aroma. You can actually inject the liquid via a port made available for the purpose.
Very weired but I believed that this is something to look at seriously.
According to the user, if you want your aroma to be continuosly vapourised and fill the nesting planks block use the product. There is no need to put on every corner but six is more then enought. Place at all the four corners of the colony divider and two more in the middle.
In this way those aroma can fill the air in selected zone.
My only question is which aroma to be used?
Anyway this new product is available in the market and I think you can try using them. I do not guarantee that it will increase the nests population number but who knows?
If you want to try just call 017 755 1318.
Latest from a regular user:
His comments: It is too expensive.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Which Egg Will Produce Male and Female ???
Swiftlet normally will lay only two eggs per breeding season.
Usually one will be male and the other is a female.
How do you know which egg will produce male chick and which will be the Female?
This is where Fatich Marzuki comes in.
In his book titled: Meningkat Produksi Sarang Walet Berazas Kelastarian" page 53, he displayed a chart comparing between the serinti and swiftlet eggs.
He also indicated which will be the female and which will be the male.
Have a look and maybe by now you can have a 100% sure that they are the right chick for your breeding operation. Double click on the picture to get a larger display.
Remember breed more female then male.
Usually one will be male and the other is a female.
How do you know which egg will produce male chick and which will be the Female?
This is where Fatich Marzuki comes in.
In his book titled: Meningkat Produksi Sarang Walet Berazas Kelastarian" page 53, he displayed a chart comparing between the serinti and swiftlet eggs.
He also indicated which will be the female and which will be the male.
Have a look and maybe by now you can have a 100% sure that they are the right chick for your breeding operation. Double click on the picture to get a larger display.
Remember breed more female then male.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Who Is H. Ahmad Fatich Mazuki ????
If you are a swiftlet farmer or going to be one soon, my strong advise is to know not only those wild birds in depth but also those people who contribute their knowledge to the swiftlet industry.
Among the many, I would like to provide his short biography.
He was born on February 15th, 1943. As at today he must be in the 67 years of age.
Place of birth was at Pahlawan, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Obtained his Sarjana Ekonomi from Economic Faculty of Airlangga University, Surabaya.
His interest in swiftlet bahaviour started during his young days and in 1973 he make his close observation at North Java Beaches and Madura.
In 1974 he make more in depth study by camping in Karang Balong Cave in Kebumen.
Then in 1975 in another cave called Rongkop Cave at the foothill of Kidul Mountain located in Central Java.
He was appointed as the caretaker of caves from 1975-1980 found in the distric of Sampang, Madura. He managed to conduct various experiments during the period.
In the year 1994, he set up a Labarotary "Laboratorium Pelestarian Butung Walet" in a town called Sidayu, Grisek. This facility allowed him to conduct deep observation on the behaviour pattern of swiftlet.
With his wide experiences plus deep interest in this wonderful creatures he was appointed as the Director or the Head of Rehabilitation Center For Swiftlet located in Surabaya. He then was also appointed as the President of Association of Walet Indonesia in Semarang.
Was appointed as the honorable member of Indonesian swiftlet association too.
In Surabaya he continued to be the advisor to most of swiftlet associations or swiftlet bodies to look after the birds.
He wrote a beautiful book about swiflet in 1999 called "Meningkat Produksi Sarang Walet Berazas Kelastarian".
A marvelous book which every swiftlet farmer should have.
What Happened To The Swiftlet Population When Those Trees Are Taken Down !!!
This new was obtained from Indonesian Business portal.
Though old the information provided is something that we should be well aware of.
The more those jungles and trees were fallen the swiftlet population will be affected.
In addition to that Global warming will drive those birds to a cooler places.
Senin, 23/11/2009
Produksi sarang walet
SURABAYA: Produksi sarang walet di Pulau Jawa sejak 2005 mengalami penurunan 30% per tahun akibat menipisnya daya dukung lingkungan hijauan dan pemanasan global.
Fatich Marzuki, pimpinan Pusat Rehabilitasi Burung Walet di Surabaya, Jatim menyebutkan terus merosotnya produksi sarang walet berlangsung di rumah-rumah budi daya burung pemakan serangga itu. Hal tersebut terutama disebabkan oleh kondisi hutan dan lingkungan hijauan di Pulau Jawa cenderung menipis, sehingga walet kekurangan makanan serangga.
Menurut dia, selama 4 tahun terakhir tingkat produksi sarang walet di sejumlah daerah penghasil sarang burung tersebut di Pulau Jawa mengalami penurunan 30%/tahun. (Bisnis/k22)
Monday 23/11/2009
Swiftlet Nests Production.
Surabaya: Swiftlet nests production on Java Island was said to have dropped by 30% due mainly to the less dense of those forest and global warming.
Fatich Marzuki, the Director of Swiftlet Rehabilitation Center located in Surabaya,indicated that the nests population were badly affected due to shortage of food. He claimed that the main cause of food decline were due to the falling of those forest and the shrinking of forest bounderies on Java Island.
He stressed, for the past 4 years the drop of nest population in some areas went down as low as 30%.
The above new was taken from: http://web.bisnis.com/edisi-cetak/edisi-harian/agribisnis/1id148038.html
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A New Study On The Effect Of Azan On Swiftlets Population !!!
I am currently conducting a study on the effect of "Azan"(Muslim Prayers Calls) on birds population on BHs.
Do you realised the followings:
1) BHs closed to those mosques are generally more active as compared to other location. The azan call I believed become the alarm clock in the morning. But who knows there are more to it?
2) The time to be inside their house is usually after the everning prayer's call (magrib). If you observe carefully every everning when the azan is over these birds will start to rush into their BHs. The azan seem to affect there decision to start entering their house.
2) Duress bird call sound have azan call as its background sound.
One thing for sure is that in the wee hour of the morning the azan call wakes the birds up. They need to get ready to fly out to seach for food. Early birds catch the insects. Those who wakes up late, especially those in BH futher away from the mosque and their entrance hole facing west, will not be able to survive.
A story that you might want to know:
To all Muslims their only God is Allah and the Prophet who was chosen to be his Messenger was Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah (SWA).
He was born in Mecca in a year which was called "The Year Of The Elephant" (YOE).
The story behind this YOE was said to be the year when Mecca was being attacked by a King named Abrahah from a Kingdom nearby (Habsyah).
It seem that this King wanted people to come to his country and visit his Temple which he build plated with gold. But since the "Kaabah" (a black square shape building) located in Mecca was around he could not get the attention of those visitors.
His mad intention was to destroy the Kaabah and with this action he can pull those crowd to his temple.
He led an army with a number of elephants towards Mecca and upon arrival at the perimeter of Mecca he send his messenger to ask people staying in Mecca to move out.
This was the moment that God sent a large group of swallows each carrying a piece of hot rock or pebble. claimed to be from Hell, and demolish the army & the King. The attack was carried out at night.
Till today everybody believed that the swallows referred to this old tales was those swiftlets who flew in total darkness and able to carry the hot pebble.
So it must be true since they are the only birds that can fly in total darkness and their saliva, after being exposed to those heat from the hot pebbles must have transform into those precious nests.
If you wanted to check on the above story, try to ask any Muslim that you meet the day after you read this story and ask them "What is Tahun Gajah to all Muslims?"
You will be surprised all of them will tell you the same tale except the don't realised that those birds after completed their job migrated to South East Asia.
What do you think will happen if we play those "Azan" (Muslim's Prayer Call) to these swiftlets?
I have no specific answers yet but I think they might recognise the sound.
What I recently did was to mix the Azan sound with the Baby King and make sure the total length of the sound is 60 minutes.
Another serious thing to think about is that there are two types of Azan calls. One used in the morning (Fajr or Subuh) and the other is used for the rest of the calls. Note there are 5 prayer time and the morning call have some additional verses.
Due to this I have created two mixes, one the AzanSubuhBabyKing and the other is AzanBabyKing.
All you need to do is to play the number one at 4.55 am and by 5.55 am the AzanSubuhBabyKing will set the prayer's called in the wee hour in your BH while the rest can be set one hour before the Dzuhor, Asar, Magrib and Isya.
Use this Table for the exact time:
Malaysia Prayer Times
City Fajr Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Alor Star 6:09 1:17 4:39 7:10 8:21
Ipoh 6:04 1:14 4:37 7:10 8:20
Kota Bahru 6:02 1:10 4:32 7:03 8:13
Kuala Lumpur 5:59 1:12 4:36 7:10 8:20
Kuantan 5:53 1:05 4:28 7:02 8:12
Kuching 5:21 12:37 4:02 6:38 7:49
Malacca 5:55 1:10 4:34 7:09 8:20
Seremban 5:57 1:11 4:35 7:10 8:20
For other towns please go to: http://www.islamicfinder.org/cityPrayerNew.php?country=Malaysia
Those of you who would like to try new and weired techniques to get more birds into your BH might want to consider this option. No guarantees but nothing to loose if you try.
The two sounds are currently available with a reasonable fee and you can order one set by sending your request to 017 7551318.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
50,000 Square Feet of Swiftlet House In The Making !!!
How do you count the number of BHs in a country?
Should we use the number of BHs or should we consider the total square feet of BHs spaces?
If you look at any report about property in KL, the number of let able space were commonly used. They do not used 50,000 condo units or office space.
I think we should start to use the square feet concept.
Let me tell you why???
I was in Setiawan, Perak recently. My tour guide took me to this special unit that he wanted me to take over.
Just look at the size and tell me how many square feet do you this this unit is?
The dimension stated was 65 feet by 125 feet and five stories high.
Take your calculator out and multiply 65X125X5 = 40,625 square feet.
Currently abandoned and waiting for a buyer. RM 1,000,000 only for a lock, stock and barrel.
The only set back is that it was build on a Malay Reserved Land.
I am sure if you are interested we can find a way to get it transferred.
Ideal for those who wanted to expand their swiftlet BHs assets.
Okay how about this new pictures taken about a few days ago?
A total of 50,000 square feet of let able swiftlet BH space under construction?
The whole floor is currently under renovation and I was very shocked and could not breath when I entered the floor. What a size.
So do you thing we should stick to BH counting to numbers or perhaps square feet of swiftlet space?
Gigas Colony Nest In Teluk Intan, Perak !!!
Basement Swiftlet Apartment !!!
While in Perak I was given the opportunity to take a good look at a BH constructed underneath a bungalow.
The bungalow was on a steep hill facing those hills covered with virgin jungle.
To stabilise the ground it has to be piled using those steel sheet form. However the owner, a successful swiftlet BH owner, decided to use the empty space as a BH.
What he did was to convert the concrete basement into a BH.
Have a good look at some of these pictures and imagine how imaginative some people can be.
His neighbors were okay with his innovation. Do you want to know why?
The answer is simple. All of them owned at least one successful BHs each.
They were actually looking forward to this innovative guy's success. If his innovation works, all in the same row, will follow his idea.
I would say that among all the innovative ideas, this is one of the best.....crazy but interesting.
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