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Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Success Story From Vietnam !!!

It is very very rare to receive pictures and mail from the so many blog readers.

In this case is exceptional.

I have never met him and suddenly he send his first email as follows:

Dear Shifu Harry,

I'm sorry my English very bad

I have read all his posts, from the very old to the latest, I have followed his ideas, so far all all activities very good.I have a BH, has been in operation 1 year. I do get all the, excluding building. far there are about 500 to 600 birds nest to o. toi want to buy from him the after voluntary day. Toi try new ideas from him, I would like to call him Sifu, someone I always admired.

His most recent was pictures taken outside and inside his BH with all the gadgets that he installed.

Have a look at all these pictures submitted for my reference.

It is nice to have some one who is willing to share his success with others.

Thank you Tung Vu of Ho Chi Minh City:

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