It takes about 3.5 rolls to wrap up a two floors shop house turned into a BH.
My order for four rolls of bubble heat shield was done a few days ago and the shipment should be at site this Monday.
The use of this material is nothing new to my BH revamp operation.
So far I have used the same materials inside about four BHs to isolate those high temperature walls.
Those with lots of birds will soon find only a few left if their BH internal temperature starts to touch 32-35*C.
I believed now is the right time to start monitoring your internal heat problems.
Monitor the highest temperature, what time it occurred and from what time to what time of the day or night.
Usually the temperature inside will start to build up at around 8pm till 10pm.
It will be get worst with the current hot weather.
My recommendation is to install those temperature monitoring gadget for about a week and transfer those data for analysis into your computer.
The moment you got the exact figure you need to start getting the right walls or ceiling area that are turning into hot plates in your BH.
Check on them and start thinking what can be done to shield them from tranfering those heat into your nesting rooms.
I would suggest the use of this Bubble heat shield system.
If you wish to learn more how to apply them let
me know or perhaps come to Salak Tinggi Selangor to see how I get this BH insulated.
Call 017 7551318
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