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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Those Access Road To The BH Need Crusher Runs !!!

I received an email this morning from a land owner who wanted to sell it but having very little success.

In her email she wanted to know the following:

1) Can a BH be constructed on it since it is on a hill?

2) Can she use this idea that the land is suitable for swiftlet farming?

What I replied to her was very simple.

First she need to test if there are any birds on the piece of land.  If there are say 200 to 300 birds responded to the test my answer is yes but subject to the next issue.

The second issue will be the low temperature  at night.  If the temperature dip to below 22*C it will be a big problem.  She might need to come out with a kind of heater to tackle this problem.

The third problem will be the issue of electricity supply.  If there is no electrical line or the main line is too far away she might look into using solar energy.  I remember installing one unit at Karak.  The owner recently called and told me that there was no sound from her BH.  I asked her how was the weather there.  Gloomy for almost three to four days.  Yes not enough solar during monsoon season.  I told her perhaps she should look into have a standby generator set.

The most crucial, the fourth issue, shall be the access road to handle heavy vehicles that are required to deliver those ready mixed cement, bricks, sand, wood and steel bars.  If she is not careful she will loose like 15 to 20 trucks of lorry loads of crusher runs.  I experience this mishap before and I think anyone who wanted to built a BH please take note on this.

One lorry will cost you about 500 ringgit.  If 20 trucks that will be 10,000 ringgit.

Have a good fun viewing these photos from my collection:

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