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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Another BH With Straight Forward Problems !!!

This 7 years old BH have something that are commonly faced by BHs whose owner do not have much idea what is happening inside his BH.

I was requested to visit and identify what was wrong and how to resolve the problems.

This BH have a kind of interesting history.

Just imagine at one time it was left to rot for almost 2-3 years due to the fact that the raw nests prices was not very attractive to the owner.

Only a few months ago it was put back into operation.

Due to the neglects the BH was almost dead.

Now with a new lease of life the number of nests are growing and the "new" caretaker is looking for some advises on how to improve further.

The nests number seems to stop growing, said the new caretaker.

The young birds are not returning home.

The next issue was that the birds are mostly on the third floor while the lowest floor was not fully used.

The 4th floor was newly added.  It has its own entrance hole and not the same with the main building.

As such this BH is more like two BHs in one.

I will be sitting down to write my visit report and I hole I will be able to provide the list of issues that might be able to help to increase its population plus moving the next generation to the ground floor.

If you happened to own a BH and currently facing similar problem please call or write to me.

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