Today (December 2nd 2007) I received a very interesting email asking about the application of Fung Shui on birdnest farming.
Note: Fung Shui is a Chinese art that uses the energy of Yin and Yang in making your decision inorder to enrich your business, married life or personal.
I would like to conceal his name due to my policy of keeping my fan from being exposed.
This special person wanted my opinion, is Fung Shui an important consideration in starting a Birdhouse Ranching?
These were my answers supported by some explainations:
" Dear So and So...,
From my personal view and observation, the Fung Shui criterias does not play much in his Birdhouse Ranching decision making.
Main reasons which led to this personal conclusion are as follows:
1) Most of the birdnest projects in Kedah (SPatani, Kulim and Bagan Seria) were started at those shop houses that were abandoned, due to poor location (poor Fung Shui I guess)plus the economic recession.
When the whole complex or shoplots were vacated, they were left to those thieves who wud steal everything that they can sell to the jank yards, like electrical cables, water meters, lighting, alluninium panel, even the doors and etc.
When my SpSifu and those Indonesian visited these abandoned shophouses, they pick at least one of them to be a pioneer among the rest. Once they found the owner, they will purchase the unit at the cheapest price possible and then they convert the unit to birdhouse.
When they decided, the criteria is "cheapest price" plus perhap if they can also buy the adjacent unit.
They did not use Fung Shui as a selection criteria.
2) In one more case in SPatani, there was a row 4 units of 4 stories shop lots that were lelong (auctioned) by the developer at a song (RM600,000). This project (Chap Lup) is very closed to Rasa Sayang Golf and Country Club. The developer was Mah Sing, if I am not mistaken.
There were no takers. This was due to fact that the back portions of the whole row (20 units) were facing a big oxidation pond (a very bad Fung Shui plus very smelly ma...).
My Sifu bought them up. What he did was he converted them to birdhouses and sold 3 of the 4 units to his friends at RM250,000 each. He recovered his inital cost cost of purchase plus the cost to convert and benefitted by getting one unit FOC.
Immediately after conversion and birds starts coming, the whole row now shot its value to more then 500K each.
These two cases tells us that Fung Shui whether good or bad is not an issue.
The best is to go for an abandon project which U can buy at a song and turn them into a gold mine.
I hope my explaination is good enought and I need to reaffirm that these are just my personal opinion and it might not be the best or the right answer.
I use logic more then the service of a Fung Shui master. My master is my sifu who gives the best conversion expertise and first class sound system that works.
Note: Fung Shui is a Chinese art that uses the energy of Yin and Yang in making your decision inorder to enrich your business, married life or personal.
I would like to conceal his name due to my policy of keeping my fan from being exposed.
This special person wanted my opinion, is Fung Shui an important consideration in starting a Birdhouse Ranching?
These were my answers supported by some explainations:
" Dear So and So...,
From my personal view and observation, the Fung Shui criterias does not play much in his Birdhouse Ranching decision making.
Main reasons which led to this personal conclusion are as follows:
1) Most of the birdnest projects in Kedah (SPatani, Kulim and Bagan Seria) were started at those shop houses that were abandoned, due to poor location (poor Fung Shui I guess)plus the economic recession.
When the whole complex or shoplots were vacated, they were left to those thieves who wud steal everything that they can sell to the jank yards, like electrical cables, water meters, lighting, alluninium panel, even the doors and etc.
When my SpSifu and those Indonesian visited these abandoned shophouses, they pick at least one of them to be a pioneer among the rest. Once they found the owner, they will purchase the unit at the cheapest price possible and then they convert the unit to birdhouse.
When they decided, the criteria is "cheapest price" plus perhap if they can also buy the adjacent unit.
They did not use Fung Shui as a selection criteria.
2) In one more case in SPatani, there was a row 4 units of 4 stories shop lots that were lelong (auctioned) by the developer at a song (RM600,000). This project (Chap Lup) is very closed to Rasa Sayang Golf and Country Club. The developer was Mah Sing, if I am not mistaken.
There were no takers. This was due to fact that the back portions of the whole row (20 units) were facing a big oxidation pond (a very bad Fung Shui plus very smelly ma...).
My Sifu bought them up. What he did was he converted them to birdhouses and sold 3 of the 4 units to his friends at RM250,000 each. He recovered his inital cost cost of purchase plus the cost to convert and benefitted by getting one unit FOC.
Immediately after conversion and birds starts coming, the whole row now shot its value to more then 500K each.
These two cases tells us that Fung Shui whether good or bad is not an issue.
The best is to go for an abandon project which U can buy at a song and turn them into a gold mine.
I hope my explaination is good enought and I need to reaffirm that these are just my personal opinion and it might not be the best or the right answer.
I use logic more then the service of a Fung Shui master. My master is my sifu who gives the best conversion expertise and first class sound system that works.
Harry, fully agree with your reply. FengShui can be changed, and it is upto the change master to turn shit into goldmine. In fact, I think the shit(waste treatment plant) is the goldmine for the birds. They love it.
Harry have you ever considered to prove a seminar on birdhouse farming?
I think with your level of experience and depth of knowledge, it would be nice if you could set up a mini seminar in Kedah.
Add a poll on your site, so that you can have users vote for it!
sorry spelling mistake *prove* meant to be *provide*
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