Having a birdhouse is exciting especially when the nests populations are increasing from month to month. Every time you enter the house, recommended once every three weeks, you have this euphoria of observing the growth of the swiftlet count.
While doing that, U must always carry out checking on the room conditions especially in the temperature, humidity, the room smell, the humidifier machine, the water pool in the house, any sign of attack by rodent or ants or bird of prey and so forth.
Many can use visual inspection but there are a few that need the use of special gadgets.
The recommended gadget is those that have something to do with the measurement of the room temperature and more important is the humidity.
I prefer the installation of this remote sensing sensors that are wireless. You mount the sensor in nesting area while the monitor is place in your control room or area close to your sound system. In this way U need not enter the nesting room very often just to carry out the recording.
The product which cost about US 22 can be installed on a DIY basis.
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