I spend hours to trace the best explainations on how humidifier works. Among all this is the best that I think U should read so that U will be more inform on how to improve your birdhouse operation.
There are two types of home humidifiers. One is a warm air humidifier. The other is a cool air humidifier. Both accomplish the same thing but come at it from differing directions. Normally, you will use a warm air humidifier when the temperature outside is low, and you don't mind if the temperature rises. You may also want to use this type if the intent is to facilitate sweating.
A cool air humidifier is used when you want to just add moisture to the air without the temperature increase that comes from the warm air version. A cool air humidifier works by a similar principle as the atomizer on your perfume bottle. It forces the air through a sort of nozzle that breaks it into extremely fine droplets. These are expelled into the room air. Because of the tiny size of the droplets, they become vapor as they encounter the dryer air of your house. This way they can raise the humidity without raising the temperature.
The warm air humidifier works from a much simpler method. It has two electrodes that go below the surface of the water in the holding tank. The surface of these plates heats the water rapidly causing a warm vapor to rise. It's a little cooler than steam, but still quite warm. As the vapor rises, it exits the device and fills the room with warm moist air.

This description is found at: http://www.helium.com/tm/290796/there-types-humidifiers-humidifier
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