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Thursday, July 31, 2008

What Should You Do When The Birds Keep Running Out At Night !!!

Are you really ready to read this weired phenomena?

Just read and see if you have any comment.

I received a franctic call from a guy who started his BH about a few months back.

" Harry, I need you kind advise. I have this problem where the birds will start to fly out once the external sound stopped. Yes I timed the sound to be off at 8.00pm. Immediately after 8.00pm, the birds will start to fly out. What do you think is the problem?"

Hmm... I scratch my head and have a serious thinking what the hell is actually happening? Very unusual and never came across before.

There are at least three to four possible explainations:

1) There is a prediator in the BH. Most probable is an owl. The second possible prediator is the rats. They start becoming active at around 8pm. There maybe bats who might have occupied the house during the day time. Need to conduct a serious check on any signs of these possible prediators. Owl will swallow the birds whole but will vormit the bones out. Rats love to eat the internal organ but not the head. Bats leave droppings below their sleeping ground.

2) The internal temperature is not suitable. Too hot. Need to check what is the hottest temperature and happened at what time of the day.

3) The internal sound might not be suitable. Too loud or wrong sound. The best option is to change the sound to piyik (baby sound) plus colony sound.

4) They are still hungry and wanted to cari makan at those bright lights. Let them go out for they will still come back later at night. Pak Jeff of Trengganu indicated that when the moon is full, these birds do come out at night (he indicated as late as 4am) and hunt those insects flying around the road and billboard lightings. Do not be suprise !!!

I am sure there are some other reasons that can cause the birds to fly out but the above are possibilities.

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