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Monday, September 27, 2010

A Genius Method On How To Keep Those Owls Away.

Most BHs in Vietnam are with very small entrance hole about 1 foot long by 3 feet wide.

I think they have lots of owls. Owls can destroy your birds population.  The moment these owls enters your populated BH, the birds population will drop to about a third.

They will make a meal of all your tenants.

One simple innovation that was very unique in Vietnam is to use a manual spectacle door closure made of wood.

All you need to do is to pull a rope and get the spectacle in position.

From far it looks like nothing important but in Vietnam the number of owls are plenty.

Most of these owners stays very close to their BH.

If you are not at home then .......... ask your neighbors to close them for you???

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