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Sunday, October 31, 2010

How To Prepare Those Bubur For Those Insect !!!

A video clip showing how a small time birdhouse owner produce those soup for those insects.

Sorry to say that there are lots of improvement to the method used but for a start it was something to think about.
I would say this crude method is alright for a beginner but if you wanted to produce larger volume you need a better mixing equipment that will produce better quality soup.
Just enjoy the clip and see what you can learned from it.


Kathleen Wong said...

these bubur is made up of what? yellow powder? white powder? and yellow mee?

Unknown said...

Hi Harry,

What are the mixture? Where to get it?

Pak Harry The Swiftlet Anthusiast !!! said...

The bubur is made of some powder and fresh mee added with three minerals that will make those insect strong.

I would like to keep the formula secret unless the owner allows me to inform all.