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Sunday, May 11, 2014

A New Nest Markings On Rope Fake Nest !!!

A new nest marking on a rope that I installed as fake nest at Sungai Rambai, Melaka.

So far there are four nests on those string fake nests installed.

I came out with this new idea just wanted to check how will those swiftlet behave on these string.

The string were attached to the nesting planks using screws.

During my recent inspection I saw this spot at a corner of the box lots of saliva marking added with feathers.

I would safely say that within the next few weeks (2 weeks the most) a full blown nest will be up and perhaps with two eggs.

I am glad that the rope do help those birds to start their new nest.

Two other nests that were using the same rope are as follows:

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