The conversion job took 16 days.
I moved to site on December 30th 2015 and moved out on Jan 14th 2016.
I have to say that my toughest job in this BH was to take down nearly all those nesting planks which were wrongly installed and reinstalled to my specifications.
The old method of nesting plank installation was totally a disaster.
The owner never realized the big error until I pin pointed to her during meeting at her office in Kuala Lumpur.
It dragged the revamp operation by almost one week.
If without this I could have completed the job within 8 days.
This must be a very good lesson to her and right now she is proposing another ICU BH conversion located somewhere at Selama town.
I will be meeting her tomorrow and if I have the time I would be happy to inspect another sick BH.
What I added to the many list of things to do in this Bandar Baru BH were:
(the expost roof area covered with heat shield material)
I am looking at the temperature reduction of about 1.5*C to 2.0*C.
Current maximum temperature is in the region of 33.6*C which is way too hot for those swiftlet.
2) The 2nd thing that was done was to allow air flow from the main entrance hole out through an exist or exhaust window inside the monkey house structure. Currently the hot air accummulated inside the monkey house have no exhaust outlet thus affect the temperature inside the BH.
After some conversation with my workers we finally decided to use the exist window opened for access to the monkey house rooftop as the hot air exit opening. This newly opened window about 3'X3' was hacked recently in oder to reach the monkey house rooftop for external sound tweeters installation.
A fine wire mesh wires were screwed tight for this purposes.
3) The 3rd big thing I did for temperature reduction and at the same time humidity control was the installation of 18 mist nozzles pump system.
This standard off the shelf gadget was installed on both two floors.
The top floor was installed with about 9 nozzles and the 2nd floor with another 9 nozzles.
I set the timer to ensure that this very old and dry BH will be wet and humid.
The pump will be activated 4 times a day with 15-30 minutes spray time.
This will reduce the top floor temperature by another 1.5*C.
With all the necessary heat reduction methods installed I hope the temperature sensor will be kind enough to show us a lower temperature as compared to prior to my intervention.
Spray the BH with Mutiara aroma three times.
The sound used at the moment were Pukau and Godzilla.
Let see tomorrow for any new signs inside the BH.
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