This might be the latest method on how to pull those swiftlet that are flying very high up in the sky.
This BH owner have decided to test an idea that was presented to him by one of many "Swiftlet Farming Consultant".
I feel very sorry for him but this is the kind of price one have to pay when the "Chap Ayam" consultant came to visit your BH.
They must have tried all their ideas and when nothing substantial nest increase occurs they will start to drum up weird and outrageous ideas.
The BH owner who is on a "Do Or Die" mission will blindly follow the Ayam's ideas.
Well he happened to have attended the Seminar conducted at Penang TH Hotel a while ago.
He called me and asked if I can come and see what is wrong with his BH.
Well after chatting with him I whatsapp to him that I will be free on Sunday noon but there is a small fee for me to drop all my other plans just to see what is wrong.
He jumped for he expected me to serve him at FOC.
I told him if FOC I will be no different from those Chap Ayam consultants.
We finally agreed at a small price and I dropped to visit his BH.
This BH is in fact at the back of a Shell petrol station just before the exit into Permatang Pauh Kepala Batas area.
I have to say that the BH internally looks okay (darkness ) and the temperature too.
The moment I climb up to the second floor (two stories building), I found why the BH is experiencing the followings:
1) Very little bird coming downstairs.
The way the partitions were erected give very little chance for the visitors to fly above the LAL (Lubang Antara Lantai). I told the owner that these birds are no very intelligent and the only way for them to populate the ground floor is to be able to be guided.
I recommended some realignment of a few partitions and where the doors should be opened.
Lesson here: You must not put too much hope on those animals to find the lower floors. You need to make sure they are led to the opening for them to reach the nesting destination.
2) The VIP was with the most number of nests however ......
This BH was originally designed with two entrance areas. One at the back and one at the front. When the nest population was not in sign he engaged the second Cap Ayam to help him out. I bet he did not pay him a single cent.
The second Ayam asked him to shut the back entrance area and convert it into a room. He did that but I was shock to see how much light was coming in from the so called closed LMB hole.
"Mr A this is not right you need to make sure those light are totally shut off"
"Oh like that ah" was his answer.
This was when I grilled him about his Chap Ayam.
"I thought you said your consultant is a well known BH consultant in this area but how come he cannot event understand about the important of total darkness?" I pressured him.
Lesson: This is what is causing many BH failed to perform. We have too many Chap Ayam consultants that are damaging the BH which they came to so called "HELP".
3) I was not happy with the main entrance hole.
The main LMB was relocated many times. I can see a number of markings on the BH walls. H Every time he engaged an Ayam they will called for a new and better location. However the same thing will repeat its history.
The most recent LMB seems to be located quite well but I was not very happy with its size and at the same time the way the external sound tweeters were placed.
They are not proper and need some reorientation.
I suggested to him to first open the LMB to about 2.5 feet wide by 3 feet high. Currently about 2 feet X 2 feet.
Once done I asked him to like the perimeter with planks for easier mounting of tweeters.
I sketched to him precisely how to install those tweeters and slant them towards the sky.
He was fascinated with my explanation.
Lesson: Try to make your LMB a bit larger than 2'X2'
Managed to sketch some ideas on how to rearrange his internal sound tweeters.
He showed me some of his fake nests he using papers but I disapproved the design and numbers.
From the way he talked and his body language I don't think he welcomed me.
I believed after a number of failed renovation works directed by the chap ayam consultant he now loose respect to them and also me.
I tried not to push him too hard.
In my heart I know if he could be patience plus trust my words I am sure he will see a lot of changes.
Best of luck to him.....
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