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Thursday, April 2, 2015

What Do We Do To Attract Your Young Baby Birds To Come Back Home?

I have been playing a game with one BH owner using whatsapp sms system.

He owned a BH with 350 nests however his nests population growth stop.  Zip and RIP???

He started to ask a lot of questions and he keep talking about how many BH are his neighbors are and how many birds there are out there in his neighbors BHs.

Yes his mind was all over the place and I keep telling him to focus.

I asked him what should be your main objective?

He answered : I wanted to increase my nests numbers however I do not know how?

I pointed to him many times about his current BH nests numbers.

"You now owned a BH with 350 nests, right?   Every breeding cycle you will generate about 700 young birds, right?  Every year there will be  3 breeding cycles so you will generate about 2100 young birds? Why don't you find the ways to bring them back home?"

You need to sit down and list down what are the things that can lure those young birds (your own young birds) back home and erect their nests next to their birthplace?

I reminded him that the only way to get nice and 180* shape nests are from these youngsters.

They are supposed to return home and erect their 180* nests next to their birth place.

Usually their birth place is at 90* corners and they have to erect a 180* nests to be beside their birth place.

As such your new nests (more and more) will be of better shape.

So you can see how important to lure these young birds hatched and raised in your BH to return home.

"But Pak Harry I don't know how?"

Sit down and think deep.

Imagine that you are one of them what do you thing can make you return home?

Is it the smell?

Is it the sound?

Is it the wetness?

Is it the brightness?

Is it the disturbances?

Is it the BH owner?

Is it the noise outside?

Is it the burglars?

Is it the owls?

Is it the fungus on the nesting planks?

Is it because of the insect my boss make?

Is it because the BH is too hot?

Yes everything that are possible and list them up.

He might get the right answer and let us hope he will find the right answers after getting my  guidance.

I refuse to give him the answer unless he start using his brain.

However I gave him one hint : the BH wetness.

He now need to figure out why wetness is so important.

Let us wait for his brain to start working.

Nice to push your student to learnt the hard way.  He he he ....

Call me at 017 7551318 if you want to join the fun !!!!

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