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Saturday, March 28, 2015

My Hope And My Desire For Felda Settlers In Trengganu !!!

The Productivity Seminar at TH Hotel KT have many significant experiences to me.

I was very surprised to see so many BH owners in a big hall and all the seats were taken up.

At the end of the hall I can see that they added some additional chairs for those who happened to come in late.

This was overwhelming and I could not describe how wonderful to feel when you know that your seminar message will be heard and perhaps practiced by many of them.

I have been longing to stand in front of a large crowd and talk to them all those special findings that can improve BHs.

Here I was able to stand high and delivered my findings.

Most of these 300 odd people stayed back till the end.

One very special thing that I was very happy about was to get a list of Felda residences who own BH.

The moment I mentioned about a possible free inspection of their BHs they flocked around the person who was responsible to collect their details.

It went so well and we gathered almost 15 Felda BH owners in Trengganu.

These list of names will be forwarded to the person in charge and hopefully blessed our plan to inspect all of them.

Once inspected a short report shall be forwarded to Felda HQ for their next action.

There will be some recommendation to perhaps select the most viable BH that can be turned around.

Those that are not possible to be turned around might need their owner to perhaps do major construction.

It will a mammoth task but if their is way I am sure it can be done.

Perhaps after completing this specific task I might be asked to look at other state where Felda is operating.

If I can turn around about 15-20 BHs within 12 months I will be very happy.

My task is to help these poor owners who complained that they have no one to turn to.

How I wish I can offer the same services to all those who attended all those Seminars conducted by Jabatan Veterina.

Never give up.

Remember at least there is some one who can help you with your BH.

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