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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Productivity Seminar At TH Hotel KT Went Very Well !!!

Yesterday's Productivity Seminar held by Jabatan Veterina went very well.

I was very surprise at the number of participants that attended the Seminar.

More than 300 of them and nearly all the seats were taken.

A very big crowd and nearly all stayed back till the end of the session.

Another very interesting observation made was the number of Malays who attended it.

All this while I was expecting a large number of Non Malays to be there however I was wrong.

Nearly 95% who attended were Malays who owned BHs.

They came to listen to what I have drawn out for them.

I presented 4 papers and every paper have a special impact on those who came.

My 4 papers took almost 5 hours standing up on the floor walking from one side to the other side making sure that these participants absorb what I wanted them to know.

Every time that we stop for tea and lunch I can see that they will come over to ask for questions.

I am so lucky to be given this opportunity to meet so many BH owners that are not doing well.

What I hope now is to get these attendees to call me so that I can arrange to visit their sick BHs and figured out how to reactivate them.

Many complained that their BHs are critically sick and so far there is no where to ask for help.

One of the attendee whatsapp his appreciation and thanks me for all the information he obtained.

He believed that after listening to my talks he became more confident that his 3 years old BH can be reactivated.

I hope one day I will be invited by him so that I can precisely tell him what are the things that his BH needed.

Maybe he should erect some walls or perhaps change those sounds.

He might install those fake nests and perhaps also increase the number of internal sound tweeters.

I am very glad with such a big response and I do hope my wish to see more BH are corrected will come true.

Please enjoy these pictures:

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