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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Swiftlet Garden: My Next Challenge Will Be At This Place !!!

I am getting ready to start this new project and this time a much bigger challenge.

The owner have been waiting for me and I know how much he put his hope on my shoulder.

I plan to mobilize some equipment tomorrow and maybe by Wednesday will get my workers across.

Need to refresh my memory about all the issues inspected a few weeks ago and prepare a plan on how to start.

I need to get work out the plan on which BH to start first and which one will be the next unit.

Perhaps if I can arrange for dinner with the owner I can get his approval which one to start and maybe put forward to him which one will be the next.

The two units have to be either closed to each other or as far away as it should be.

My decision shall be subjected to my observation tomorrow after unloading those items.

If those birds should fly from all directions when the return home I will go with the second option.

However if they fly in once direction then I need to choose the first option.

This have something to do with the easiest way to get them into those BHs.

I hope I can apply the second option.

Main reason being if this is applied I have a easier time to populate the rest of the BHs.

I also need to observe which of the 49 BHs inside the fence are doing well or with the most number of birds flying inside.

If there are more then one unit, it will be great.

But never put too much hope.

I will be thrill to see what happened when I finish all the 9 units.

If 50% should do well I am very happy.

But what if all the 9 units do well?

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