This particular row of shops is the one that I mentioned about my SP Sifu who bought four units (auctioned) for about RM300K and he converted all of them to birdhouses. He then sold three units to his friends and he recovered his cost plus he got one unit free.
Just look at the front:

and at the back:

U can see that there is not a single shop in operation and if I am not mistaken the whole row were converted to birdhouse.
If U look the back view carefully, the culprit is the oxidation pond that give a very bad smell and people says that it is a bad Fung Shui.

Bad smell or bad Fung Shui seem to be not affecting those birds.......
PS: My son asked me what happen to the nests build by these birds who take a sip from the oxidation pond? Will the water affect the quality of the nests? Frankly I have not come to that level to make any commen. I am speechless at the moment .....
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