I remembered those days where I advised a newbie about how to conduct a birdcall test.
The method that I recommended was as follows:
Dear Newbie,
There are two reasons why U want to conduct the birdcall tests.
First is just for the fun of it.
This can be done at noon or a bit later, bit cooler, at around 3pm to 4 pm.
The second is for a very serious investor who wanted to invest in purchasing a plot of land or a shophouse which he wanted to built or convert into a birdnest house.
For this 2nd reason, I would recommend that U do both in the morning and the everning. U can conduct the tests on the same day or on two separate days.
If U have the time then do three test ie one in the afternoon too.
The reason for that is that U need to be sure that there are good number of swiftlets that are in the vecinity or passing by. If there are then there must be a source nearby or your land is below the flight path.
The result will tell U to go ahead or not to go ahead. The result will confirm that there is a good potential and not heresays recommendations from a third party or even from your consultant/SIFU.
I do not recomend U to bring a conTractor/Sifu who have a kind of side interest on the project to the the test side yet.
They will be biased and even 10 birds recorded they will say it is very good. All in all they wanted U to quickly give them the contract to design and convert the house. As such U are misled and U take the risk while they make a quick money from U.
The best result is above 100 birds, 50 is medium and below 20 is not very good. If below 20 U need to do the test again on a different date and time. If the result is still the same then U have to reconsider another options.
Do not rush into buying the property. There are plenty other properties around that are suitable that will brings in faster returns of investment.
I hope the points given are frank enought and will make U realised that doing a birdcall test will evently save U a lot of headeach.
Just imagine after buying the land, built the birdhouse and there is not a single bird visiting your farm?
So I would never buy any property destined for birdhouse unless a birdcall test is conducted. The test must show positive result.
I came across this blog DIY Swiftlet Farming Guides through a link in your blog and the writer is calling you a copycat, trying to imitate his blog. He is also condemning my standalone farm saying that it could be a failure by just looking at the album in my web site. I don't give him a damn what he had wrote or commented. He is just a bit arrogant as if he is DIY consultant who knows everything. Before I build the farm I also did a lot of readings especially Indonesian books on swiftlets and swiftlet farming as well as books by Dr. Chris Lim and Crystal Swiftlets. So long as the basic requirements are there and close monitoring are done to see that birds are staying in , the farm will be a success. I like your comments on the 6 months old farm. For your info, my farm is coming on to 4 months old (next 13th January 2008) and from the bird count I made there are about 50 birds coming home regularly. These birds I observed returning at around 7.15 pm in the evening. On certain days they are more, up to 150, staying back. There are now 1 old nest (3 weeks old) and 2 new nests in the farm. I also would like to thank you for putting a link to my web site. I also welcome your comments but not comments like this self acclaimed DIY consultant. Keep on writing and keep up the good work.
I wud like to firstly say thank U for your nice comment about me and my blog.
Frankly let him say what he like about U, me or whoever else that he like too. This is a democratic country and we cannot stop people from saying what they like.
To me I believed that what I am doing is for the goodness of the swiftlet community.
I think I have just touch the top part of swiftlet ranching. There are many more things that I intend to write.
I prefer to focus my energy in writing good articles then wasting my time on people like him.
I wish U the best and I can see that your birdhouse is moving pretty well.
I wud love to drop by one day to visit you and of course your birdhouse and perhaps exchange ideas on how U can improve your burd population.
Let us be productive and not destructive.
Be productive NOT destructive is the key to become a success blogger. Your blog is just perfect full of info/resources for the newbies/visitors to keep coming back. ...trust me ... I will click on the google adv. link on regular basic to show my support.
Happy New Year to all !
Thank U very much for your kind words and encouragements. I am very happy and proud to share with everybody what I know. In returns I just wanted to know that they are happy and contended that I have been a part of their happiness. Your thought and good deeds will surely deserve praise from some one up there. Thank U a million.
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