The first thing that I did yesterday was to visit my parent's grave yard. I was very lucky that the graveyard is somewhere close to my birdhouse. I lost my parent two years ago and now " Anak Yatim Piatu".
Immediately after that important trip I stop somewhere to take my breakfast "Nasi Lemak".
While eating called my eldest brother to be at the birdhouse for my monthly inspection. In the meantime received calls from my two newbies who are very excited to join my visit.
I reached there first and waited for my eldest brother to open the house and check the sound system if they are okay. It seem that the external sound was not running properly and he managed to reset them.
While doing that received a call where the two newbies have arrived. Went to pick them up and introduced to my house plus my brother.
The visit time was about 10am - 11am. This was the best time when all the birds are out searching for food.
The two newbies are happy to see the birdhouse and smell the aroma (of birdshit) when they were in the house. The first to look at are the birdshits on the floor.
Get below the birdshit and look up. There they are.
There were many nest with baby birds and I am sure I can harvest a few during my nest trip.
Took them upstairs and managed to inspect my styrofoam fake nests situation. Yes, there were three fully build nests on them. These styrofoam strips were first soak into my home made aroma, dried and fixed about two months ago. This is to prove that fake nest do work. Thanks to Pak Hen for the advise.

Just look at how they built above the styrofoam?

I used double sided tape for trial purposes. See what happen? It tilted outward.

Better to use taper head screw the next time.
Once the visit was over we have a short discussion and took one of the newbie to Merbok to vies the Soya Source Birdhouse and then proceeded to Kulim.
when are coming to SP again? I and my fren want to join la...: Khairul
Sorry khairul I was on the rush during my last trip back. Will be there in feb 2008, CNY. If U are around please call. I might want to do some harvest???
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