One of the most critical item found in your birdhouse are those nesting woods.
It is known that red Meranti seem to be the preferred choice in Malaysia. Beside easily available it is also hard enought to allow multiple harvesting without damaging the wood.
Current price of red Meranti is in the region of RM 2,200 to RM 3,000 per metric ton. For a normal 20 feet by 70 feet house, you will need at least 2.5 metric tons per floor.
For two floors you need about 5 metric tons or about RM 11,000 to RM15,000. There are still the cost of labors plus those corner covers that you need to add.

What happen after a few good years these pecious woods are being attack by ants, beetles, fungus or mites?
Should they be first treated with suitable chemicals that will guarantee that they will last for at least 15 to 20 years?
If they are being treated, what kind of chemicals should be used?
What if the chemical used is so smelly that the birds refuse to stay in your house?

I am very sure that there are ways to protect your nesting woods and there are chemical that are odorless.
To me, before building up my next birdhouse, I will select the right wood, the right chemical to treat the wood and at the same time make sure my nesting woods will last for a very long time. Perhaps forever !!!!!!!
yr calculation of the Meranti is wrong. 1.2ton per flr not 2.5 ton per flr. Rm 11k is too high for 2 flr. Its is around Rm5-6 K per 2 flr.
The figures I used is on the high side mainly due to the facts that I will be using thicker woods to accommodate my triple stacks arrangements on the walls and double stacks beams.
Figures are just estimates.
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