I was so excited knowing that Pak Hen was in town.
He SMSed me a message saying that he is in Segamat, Johore meeting with one Swiftlet farmer.
I was very sure that he will be dropping by in KL. However my hope to see him did not materialised. He have finished his visit and now on the way back to Indonesia via Singapore.
Missed a very good opportunity to me some one who is very knowledgable and very easy to get along with.
Told him that I will want to see in in Kuala Trengganu during a schedule training supposed to be conducted by him in March 2008.
Well I feel great to received his SMS. I might not be buddy but to know that he remembers me in Kuala Lumpur, I am honoured.
See U pak Hen.
Hope to see you in KT with Pak Hen in March 2008.
I will be very honoured to see you in KT and I hope I will be given a seat by the organiser. Who knows he might not want me to be there because I am a bit too much in my writing (that was what some people says about me). But with the grace of god I will be there.
if only i can also be there... :)
Dear Harry, is the guy in the picture Pak Hen? Looks young...
Yes that is him and he trying to show off his girlfriend. He he he ...
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