I would like to share this information with all those who operate their own birdhouse(s).
It is very common for your to use analog timers to activate and to shut off your sound players which are very crucial to your birhouse operation.
Good example is like your external tweeters sound. You normally set your timer to start those blarring sound as early as 7.00 am and perhaps shut them down at 7.00pm.
What happen if one day there was no electrical supply for 5 hours?
Once the electrical supply is back to normal your analog timers will all be switching your players at a wrong timing. I am not suprised that they might be blarring till midnight.
I guarantee you that U will receive a phone call with ugly words to quickly shut it off.
If not the neighbors will call the police to break into your birdhouse and shut it off.
For a digital timer the above problem are eliminated and I can assure you that you will never create a nasty neighbour.
Each digital timer will cost you about RM 20. It is cheap and less headeache. The most you need is 5 sets.
I know U can get them at any electronic shops. Ask for Digital Timer.
If I get the place where to get them I will post here for my blog readers convenience ......
Latest: U can get this Digital timer at Carrefour Supermarket. Brand is SMART. Cost about RM20.
Amazing! May i know where to get the thing? :)
I undestand that U can get this at any electronic shop. Ask for digital timer. Make sure they looks the same as the one in the picture given.
Sorry I do not own or run a shop distributing all those products that I highlighted.
My main objective is just to give my personal views which are very practical and helpful so that I can share the benefits with all my wonderfull blog readers.
I will get someone to provide the address where to buy them and will post in my blog soon....
Hi, i would like to comment a bit on your view about analogue timer. The most commonly used analogue timer in this business is Hager EH711. The clock runs on a 3volt lithium battery where the clock will still keep running even under power failure. After the power come back on there's no need to reset the settings.
Point taken Ah Seng. Thank you for your comment and information. How much is the cost? Where can the timer be purchased?
Thank U
I have used similar look-a-likes-timers though not sure if it is the same brand. Prone to self-reset, i.e. all times and settings become 00:00.
So, kena awasi juga timer begini.
I had bad experience with 2 units of this type of cheap digital timer. One the setting keep reset to default by itself after a few days running and another unit problem with accuracy. Sometimes it did not run when it suppose to run and stop when it was not suppose to. Since then changed to quite expensive Hager EH711. Cost arounf RM85-RM90 each. Very durable and accurate. Can be used to relay 24hrs internal sound player and amplifier so will not stress the players and amps too much. Technically extend their life-span.
Ah Seng, I review the product and it looks very good. In Kuala Lumpur you can get them at the list provided:
Thank U Ah Seng for your kind feedback.....
I just spoken to the person who is using the digital timers shown on my blog. He said that so far there were three time when his birdhouse experienced power failures. On all the three occasions the timer works well. His only concerned is lightning. If there is lightning, nothing will safe the equipment. He install lightning arrestor on the top of his birdhouse.
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