The third additions of Good Animal Husbandry Practises (GAPH) was issued in October 2007. The party responsible in preparing was Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan of Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Malaysia.
The book consist of 38 pages with 8 chapters and 8 appendixes.
The book is currently in Bahasa and is a must for every swiftlet farmers in Malaysia.
The book can be considered as the most up to date in providing the guidelines to all that are involved in birdnest farming.
According to Dr Redzuan Ibrahim, this book shall be used by all Local Councils in their assessment of all birdhouses in their jurisdiction and shall be the basis of any lisence to be issued.
Owner of birdhouse are required to ensure that their swiftlets are look after in a manner where their basic requirements are to be made available. Harvesting of birdnests must never be carried out if it will harm the baby birds or newly laid eggs.
Article 5.1.23, indicated that external call are only allowed from 7.00 am to 12.00noon and from 5.00 pm till 7.30 pm. For internal sound, they are allowed to be played for 24 hours.
The external birdcall sound must not exceed 40 decibels measured at 6 meters from the affected building.
Oh yes, smoking inside Birdhouse is totally not allowed (dilarang sama sekali) in article 5.1.29.
The guideline can be obtained from Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan (hardcopy) or from Harry (digital/PDF). A small convesion fee shall be charged for those who requires the book in PDF.
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