But if it was true how come I cannot remember whether I was color blind or not?
I mean how do I know which cave or which house, which area and which entrance hole that I should enter?
No one knows whether this wild swiftlet are color blind or not unless there are some scientist who are willing to conduct a test.
If they are color blind then how come I saw birdnest owners color their rooftops where the bird enters are in colors?
Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmmm ....................
I was watching this video clips on you tube and before I make any conclusion please view all of them:
After watching again and again of all these video clips, I can conclude that these birds are not at all color blind. Most of the males are very colorful to attract the females.
If they are color blind then why do not need to be so colorful?
This is why I believed that it is important for you to paint some kind of color on your rooftop or the entrance hole areas.
Just imagine if there are ten birdhouses in the same area, at least you are assured that your swiftlets will come back to the right house. (It make sense?)
Brother M specifically believed that it is good to put colors on the roof.
I believe too ......
What about U?.....................

Just look at this row of shop, do U see what I saw? Yes one of the house is colored light blue. Why ????
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