To most of us, when we talk about humidity and temperature in a birdhouse, we have this general ideas that it should be within this range of 80% to 95% (for humidity) and 26*C to 29*C (for temperature).
The reason given being this was what our experience Sifus or Consultants have informed us to comply. (Please click on the picture above to see the simulated airflow)
We were asked to monitor these features using some conventional gadget or latest digital instrument place in our birdhouse walls or on the floor.

Whatever the sifus/consultant says, we do with no question asked. With the grace of God, if they are correct will feel very happy and hopefully more swiftlets will come.

If they are not within the required ranges we know that we are in trouble. We have to immediately call our Sifu for help and of course every minutes of his time will mean money and more so if we need to modify the ventilation system, put in a new roof, more fan to be install, Water sprays to be installed, etc etc etc.
Technically speaking, is there any mordern ways of designing our building complete with proper temperature and humidity simulation before we even build them?
I am sure there are.
I spoke to one birdhouse owner a few days ago and he mentioned to me that he is working in an architect firms who do use liquid flow simulators for all buildings that they designed.

Provided with all the three dimensional drawing plus data relevant during simulation works, one can actually visualise how the air flows from one end of the building to the other end plus the variation of temperatures and humidity in one building. (Please click on the above picture to see the simulated flow)
The air flow will provide the user a kind of simulated temperature distribution every minutes of the day, every minutes, every hour and you will be able to pin point where is the hottest and the where the humidity tend to be the lowest.
I think if you instal live sensors and connect them to this software you might be able to monitor your house condition on line and life telecast !!!
If that is the case you can event programme the exact instruction to be given to the inlets and outlets holes to open or close so as your temperature and humidity are precise to the dot.
You can even control the openings of the bird entrance hole.
What about those humidifier? Then what about the water spray system or perhaps those water that are being sprayed onto the wall then flow to those waterfall that U have designed?
If you have intelligent house that is designed to suite human being, I am sure you can do the same to these swiftlets?
Just think carefully about it but please do not create this stories that I am a bit KUKU. If I am, you are also kuku. He he he ......
So how about applying technology to your birdhouse?
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