What do you think is the most logical movement of your air flow in your birdhouse?
Air flow in your birdhouse is something that you never take any notice unless you are being told that it is crucial in increasing your swiftlet population.
What do you mean?
Excuse me Harry, don't be crazy lah?
I have never heard that it plays any major role in birdhouse construction. You are talking nonsense.
I might be crazy but I am sure you do want to know my humble opinion. He he he he .....
Okay let me ask you a very simple question, why do you install those PVC pipes on the walls? Suka Suka ha ?
Must all of the PVC pipes be always open? Don't Know?
How big is the pipe diameter?
Do you need to open all of them? If not how many and which one?
But why do you need them and how does it works?
There are many Sifus out there but have any of them told you technically why you must have these holes? Don't feel bad, my own Sifu also never tell me mah !!!
I am curious and I open my mouth to ask. The answers I got will make me a learned person and if it very usefull I want to share with my blog readers.
This is one answer that I came across and I think it makes a lot of senses:
One of the reason why you install those PVC pipes on your wall is because you want to ventilate the room where fresh air will enter from one side of the room and sweep across to the other side of the room.
The fresh air also replenish oxygen in the room so that those baby birds are not choked to death.
When this happen, the air flow will carry the room air inclusive of the birdshit smell and the aroma (if any) out towards the direction that will cause the birds to wanting to visit your house.
To make this happen you need to ensure that the intake holes are smaller or lesser then the outlet holes. If you have say 5 intake holes on the wall, say left end you got 5 and right end you got 5, if you want the air to flow from left to right, you open two on the left and you also open at least three on the right. The presure drop between them will allow the flow to be such (this was according to my new SIFU).
Beside that it also function as the humidity and temperature controller. Too much air will dry up the humidity but too little will also make your birds to migrate out.
So how do you manipulate the number of holes to be open or close?
Do you need air holes on the side walls? If Yes why but if not why?
Hmm Hmm ........ I think I want to test all of you for the right answer.
Since I am not that very smart, then let those who are smart to give the possible answers .....
Harry... How come you test Sifus, ha ha ha... You knew the answer, don't pretend don't know lah...
Pak Hen,
How are U. Just wanted to poke some interesting points to those newbies. U are super Sifu. Please don't answer. Let my students do the answering .....
Thank U Pak Hen for visitng my humble blog. I see that you never failed to visit mine. Please let me have your blog page address. I tried the other day but cannot enter.
Hi Harry,
This is James here. I have some question for u as follows:
1. Is it true that we'll get more swiftlet to stay if the wood plank is installed by horizontal position? As most of the Sifu opined that horizontal wood plank is easier for the swiftlet to 'park' when they fly into the house.
2. Is it true that the more tweeter that we install (in internal building) will cause more swiftlet come and stay? As the Sifu said the swiftlets always like to stay near to the tweeter.
Look forward to hearing frm u soon.
Thank you.
James Lee
(frm Penang)
Hi Harry,
This is James here. I have some question for u as follows:
1. Is it true that we'll get more swiftlet to stay if the wood plank is installed by horizontal position? As most of the Sifu opined that horizontal wood plank is easier for the swiftlet to 'park' when they fly into the house.
2. Is it true that the more tweeter that we install (in internal building) will cause more swiftlet come and stay? As the Sifu said the swiftlets always like to stay near to the tweeter.
Look forward to hearing frm u soon.
Thank you.
James Lee
(frm Penang)
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