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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Basement Swiftlet Apartment !!!

While in Perak I was given the opportunity to take a good look at a BH constructed underneath a bungalow.

The bungalow was on a steep hill facing those hills covered with virgin jungle.

To stabilise the ground it has to be piled using those steel sheet form. However the owner, a successful swiftlet BH owner, decided to use the empty space as a BH.

What he did was to convert the concrete basement into a BH.

Have a good look at some of these pictures and imagine how imaginative some people can be.

His neighbors were okay with his innovation. Do you want to know why?

The answer is simple. All of them owned at least one successful BHs each.

They were actually looking forward to this innovative guy's success. If his innovation works, all in the same row, will follow his idea.

I would say that among all the innovative ideas, this is one of the best.....crazy but interesting.

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