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Friday, January 28, 2011

The Best Thing You Should Do For Your BH Every Year !!!

One of the most important thing that you should do every year is to carry out your BH audit. Main reason is to determine the status of your BH and with that you should be able to plan your next step towards a specific achievable GOAL.

If you are not familiar or have never done the audit before I suggest that you get your/a "Sifu" to do it for you.

The whole idea is to evaluate the current status and with it you can works towards an achievable nests number that will be inside your BH after 12 months from now.

For example if after your audit, the number of nests is 100, you should now make a plan to push the nests population to, let say 100% up to 200 nests within the next 12 months.

You can do this if you know what to do, what to change and what kind of gadgets to be installed.

To those who are not vary sure of what he should do I strongly suggest to try and get someone that you fully trust to help you in carrying out the audit operation and let him prepare the list of things to be done. (Remember if you really cannot find one, please call Pak Harry for some help).

One more idea that will be useful is to ensure that your BH is regularly inspected by a "BH Dentist" every six months.  The whole idea is to see if there is anything wrong with the BH that you have set to achieve your GOAL.

I used the term "BH Dentist" is because I want to let you remember that BH in your care is similar to your dental visit to your Dentist.  You need to visit your dentist at least twice a year. (My wife is a dentist, sorry)

Yesterday I visited one of the BH I was looking after and came out with the following report for all of you to follow or perhaps do something similar:

Date: Jan 29th, 2011

To: Mr ABC,

RE: BH Audit Report & Recommendations.

Mr. ABC,

Happy New Year to you and your family and may year 2011 brings your more luck and prosperity.

Yesterday I visited your BH above your shop in K.

I am very glad to note that the number of nests have multiplied and increased to about MM nests from about KK nests when we first started. This is a jump of 300%.

The majority of these new nests were inside the VIP room.

I also observed that many of these nests were using those fake nests installed.

I believed the modifications and revamp works are working and we need to continue pushing the number of tenants to as many as we can.

In the meantime you need to be aware that the total number of birds in your area is not very big but I think they are growing.

Aim for Year 2011:

For the next 12 months we should push the number of nests to about RR or more. This will be equivalent to 150% increase in nests as compared the SS nests now.


Based on the visit done I recommend the following to be upgraded.

1)      Replacement of amplifier.
a.       One of the two amplifiers needs replacement.

2)      Wetting of the VIP room Floor.
a.       The VIP room wet floor seem to be working well however they are very dried.
b.      My recommendation is to install an automated water meter flow system and PVC pipes around the room to distribute the water.

3)      External Sound Tweeters Check and Replacements.
a.       There are a number of external sound tweeters that are not working.
b.      I need to get my staff to carry out the inspection and replace all those that is not functioning.

4)      Internal Sound Tweeters Check and Replacements.
a.       Similar with the external sound tweeters, the internal too need to be inspected and those spoiled to be replaced.

5)      Wet Floor Extension
a.       I planned to extend the wet floor areas to the outside of the VIP room.
b.      The floor wetness helps to bring in more birds into the BH.

6)      External sound replacement.
a.       I encourage the replacement of external sound on a regular basis.
b.      My suggestion is to replace the sound for every three months.

7)      Application of Insecticide.
a.       Your BH is due for the insecticide spraying.

8)      Internal Temperature and Humidity.
a.       I planned to install a data logger to monitor the exact temperature and humidity of your BH.
b.      The data collected shall be collected and downloaded into our computer for us to check the actual status of the environment inside the BH.
c.       I will also carry out a check on the heating conditions on all the walls in the BH.  Shall use a laser beam thermometer for this purpose.

9)      Forced Harvest.
a.       A forced harvest need to be planned sometime after the renovation works above are done.
b.      My suggestion is to carry out the forced harvest in zz 2011.

10)  Regeneration mode:
a.       After the about yy days of the forced harvest I planned to carry out the regeneration exercise.
b.      This exercise is to remove about DD% of the eggs laid thus making the young birds to be inside the house all the time.
c.       This will encourage those young birds to come back after they are able to fly.

11)  Insect Generation inside the Roving Area.
a.       Insect generation inside the roving area can increase the number of nests inside your BH.
b.      I would like to carry out this experiment if you allow me to do so.
c.       The idea is to stack about CC plastic containers with insect food.
d.      Inside one of the container will be about DD kilogram of insect maggots to help is creating the insect.
e.       These insect food shall be renewed on a monthly basis.

12)  Metal Plates Installation:
a.       I planned to install about BB pieces of 2 mm X 5” X 2 ‘aluminum plates on your BH nesting planks.
b.      The plates will be specially made grooves of 1 mm deep will encourage more birds to build more new nests.
c.       This idea is still in a research mode.  Any positive results will be reported to you.

13)  Ammonia Bicarbonates Application:
a.       Your BH aroma smell needs some beef up.
b.      I planned to install about x bags of ammonium bicarbonates.
c.       The 25 kg bags shall be placed at ....................................................................

14)   Fresh Bird Shit:
            a.  I need to supply at least xx bags of fresh bird shits into the BH.

15)  Love Portions Spray:
a.       Love portion needs to be sprayed ..................
b.      This year.....................

Thank you for your kind attention.

The cost to apply all the above will be discussed with you and I will bill you in accordance to the job carried out.

This year I will be charging you my maintenance cost of RM AAA a month to cover my labor cost, the cost of those insect foods, external sounds replacement and love portion.


The above recommendations are meant for this particular BH.  It might differ to other BHs with different type of problems.

If you read the report carefully you can see that the BH in question is not having too many problems.  The nests multiplied by 300% within 12 months.

I actually planned is to push the nests population to my target of 300% (hope the BH owner will not read this article) but would like to put into record only 150%.

There is no reason not to achieve the 300% but the owner must be willing to provide all the necessary assistance to ensure the number is achieved.

I also try to use the same BH for some research works.  Good example is to introduce about 10 pieces of grooves aluminum plates inside the BH. This new idea will be of great help to all of us if those birds will choose to build their nests on these plates.

The second research operation will be to introduce those insect food inside the roving areas using plastic containers and stack them to about 7 feet high. (Will take some pictures to show once done). If this simple introduction of insects method works I am sure we can all introduce the same concept.

So far I can safely make the following comments:

a) The construction of a VIP room into this BH works perfectly and it works exactly as I predicted.  Those birds choose the room as compared to the main hall due to fact that they feel safer and further from the entrance hole. Nearly all the new nest were inside the VIP room. I hope those who read my blog will try to erect at least one VIP room for every floor.  It must be about 4 meters in width by not more then 5 meters. If you have any doubt about the design please call 017 755 1318.

b) The wet floor is working well too however due in proper auto wetting system it was not to my satisfaction. The water dried after a few weeks and there is lesser smell of rotting bird ship if they are wet.  My suggestion is to install an auto wetting system consisting of a Auto Irrigate meter and PVC piping system to wet the floor on a periodic basis.  For emergency arrangement I spend about 25 minutes to water the floor using two pails and running up from the lower floor toilet up.

c) Those fake nests are working pretty well. I should have brought a mirror on a stick to check for more occupants.  My rough estimates without the mirror stick there were more then 60% of all the new nests were using these fake nests. For this particular BH I deployed both the plastic, aluminum and Styrofoam types. The plastic and the aluminum fake nests were their favorite.

d) One more interesting observation made were the effectiveness of the chandeliers.  Tweeters chandeliers were installed for the purpose of playing external sounds inside the VIP room and the main hall.  Inside this BH four chandeliers were installed.  I was not surprise to see the number of bird shits accumulated below the chandeliers.  It seem that the chandeliers pull the birds into the respective areas and make the birds fell very much at home around it. On the corners of the nesting planks just above two of the chandeliers there were nests and nests markings.

Those who wanted to visit this BH which I am talking about can  make your arrangement to come and visit during my revamp operation.  Call me at 017 755 1318 for your booking and there will be a small fee for the visit. It will be on first come first served basis.  I will only allow 2 person per day of works.

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