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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Belara BH: Opening Of A New LAL (Lubang Antara Lantai).

On my very first time entering the Belara BH I saw how bad the Lubang Antara Lantai (LAL) was located.

LAL holes are opening where those birds will fly down to the lower floors immediately when they entered the BH entrance hole.

A wrongly located or too small a size will make it very difficult for those wild birds to populate the lower floors.

The exact problem was with the Belara BH.  Those birds entered and populate the top most floor the most.

They cannot find they way down because its LALs were not properly located.

The moment the BH was handed over for revamp operation I pinpointed where a new LAL to be opened and I got my worker to hack the floor and make is big.

What I plan to do was to induce those young couples to fly down ward to the lowest floor the moment they entered the monkey house.

The hacking job was tedious and dusty due to the fact the floor were using those cement mixed at the mixing plant.

Beside those cement the floor was reinforced with those wire mesh (thick steel rods).

Once done the perimeter were smooth finished using cement mixed with sand.

On its top my worker covered with a piece of plank.

On these planks a number of external sound tweeters were installed.

Have a look at the pictures taken during the hacking, removal of the steel bars and once it was over with.

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