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Friday, November 2, 2007

Using of Aroma Theraphy

This is something that I am very keen to do but have yet to make up my mind.

I hope it will materialised soon.

I read this write up by a guy from East Coast:

All in all, I purchased about 100 litres of CS Mating Potion and sprayed the solution according to the timetable given to me by the poeple my supplier. From my observations over these last few years, the mating potion actually works. Many swiftlets from other farms that flew into my new farms when I had turned on the swiftlet sound tended to stay and breed within my farms very quickly and stopped going back to their old ones.

The visiting swiftlets really like like the aroma from the mating potions. At the same time, after every breeding cycle, I go into my farms and spray the mating potions all over so that when the baby swifts leave my farms to fly off, they will not be able to get used to any other farms that do not spell like mine. It's really working so far, as I see alot of baby swiftlets returning to my farms in the evenings.

I know this strategy sounds devious, but it's free competition right? Also, one good thing about supplier, is that they assured me that they have a company policy not to sell the mating solution to any farms within 5 km vicinity of mine. As long as this policy doesn't change, I'm quite confident that my farms will continue to grow and update.

With this remard I think there is a very strong reason to use the theraphy.

It will not only attract other birds to move over from your neighbours but will also make the babies to come back once they start their flight out of the house.

Hmm.. I will do myself during the next trip back home....

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