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Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Very Tricky Question: Is Cave Nests Safe To Eat?

I was ask about this tricky question yesterday.

It seem that someone on the net indicated that due to the direct contact between the saliva and the cave wall, there is a very strong possibility that the minerals from the cave rocks will seep into the nest.

Come to think about it , it is logical.

Good example is how red colored nest happened in the cave. The actual color of the nest were white but due to the wetness of the cave and some minerals seeping onto the nest textures and react with the saliva, it turns red.

If in the even the cave minerals are contaminated, then the nest will also be contaminated.

If this is the case then it is much safer to eat nests from birdhouses.

For as long as the house owner follow good birdnest house farming atics, his product will be much safer then the cave nests.

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