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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Rompin BH: Finished the Top Floor !!!

(A mini Bazooka and a Hexagonal Tweeter works hand in hand)

Initially only two of the four floors to be furnished.

However after nesting planks installation I found out that there were still a good number of these expensive planks to be used.

My best idea was to push the owner to proceed with the higher floor.

He agreed and my boys were mobilized to the highest floor.

I told them to concentrate on the fourth floor since it was the smallest and fastest to be completed.

Within three days the top floor was done with and the entrance area was also done up.

From my survey among the 22 units back to back (11 at the back and 11 on the same row) our unit was the only one with sophisticated external sound arrangements.

I installed 6 power tweeters, one mini bazooka and one hexagonal tweeter.

It look stunning and I know that this will be the key to attract those wild birds.

After completing the nesting planks, corner covers and internal sound tweeters I asked my worker to finish up the external sound installation.

By about 5:00 pm the whole operation was ready for a small test.

I used Super BML for about 10 minutes and later changed to Super Vacuum.

The two were drawing many birds from the surrounding.

What we observed was that the place seems to be almost dead.

When the test was carried out the roof areas were alive.

If we did not test the newly installed system and playing a beautiful sound the place was without a single bird.

It was only when our system was activated those bird seems to like the building.

I begin to wonder how this so called ECO Park can be successful?

At the same time I asked myself what now when this BH that I will complete with various attractive gadgets inside plus a good external sound and system is put into full operation?

Hmm maybe this whole place will be active with lots of birds and most will be visiting this particular BH.

Let us wait and see next week when I complete the whole project.

I think the owner of this BH will be very trilled to see what I have done and at the same time watch those birds visiting his roof top.

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