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Monday, August 30, 2010

Maximise The Power Of Applying Those Fendona Insecticide !!!

All in all you need a bottle of your favourite Fendona at your disposal.

The reason being, it can actually clean up you BH from nearly all insects that prowled on the floors, the walls and the nesting planks.

Those that feed on the wood (termites) and also on the bird's blood (fleas, lices and ticks) will also be eliminated.

I was inside a BH with a pretty number of nests inside.  When entered there were about 30 to 40 birds flying all around.  I was very sure that once I am out of the place I will have itchy head, body and perhaps other parts that I are wet.

Yes after the trip my head was itchy, the skin of both hands were also with some kind of rashes and worst was those areas around my groin.  It was terrible.

The owner told me that he forgot to apply those recommended insecticide and apologized for what happened to me.

My recommendation is to regularly apply the appropriate insecticide that will help to minimize those fleas, ticks and coakroached.

The best is the Fendona.

I have this interesting recommendations on how to use the Fendona effectively inside and outside the BH.

The best is to:

1) Laced the water inside your BH humidifiers with a cups of the Fendona liquid using it's bottle cup plus some EM.  One cup will be good enough but add those EM solution to minimize any infection  for every three to four months.

   The moment you laced the water the mist spew by the humidifier will spread the fendona into the sky and spread inside the house.

  This action will helps to spread the mist to both the floor, wall and the nesting planks.

  The result will be seen within a few days.  All spiders, cockroaches, ants, beetles, bugs and all animals with no backbones staying inside your BH will be dead.

(Received a few comments, positive and negative, so far.  Some are not happy with the idea but some are very smart in coming out with alternative solutions.  There is no different if you spray your BH with Fendona using the normal spray pump or laced the humidifier water with it.  Both methods will give some effect to the nests in your BH.  You can put little volume so that the amount of insecticide is minimum. Another recommendation suggested by a blog reader was to add a few ml of EM solution.)

2) If you need a more clever idea is by doing this interesting method.

    First get hold of those eggs paper holder. The paper holder that people used to transport eggs around.

   Get a few of them and sandwich some hand crushed old newspapers in between two of the eggs paper holder.

  Tie the sandwiched papers with any loose string.  Make about four to 6 and once ready pour those Fendona on the top.  Make sure you mix the fendona with water as per the manufacturer's recommendation.  Let the poured solution seep downward and soak those papers in between and the lower egg paper holder.

  Once done you can actually place these rinsed paper at a few strategic spots inside or outside your BH.

 Those insect predators will be eating these paper and in no time they will be dead on the floor around the paper or those that much and take home their Queen will be also dead.

Try the above two techniques and I guarantee you that your BH will be free of those crawlers.

Remember Fendona will only affect those animals without back bones.  It will not affect your birds, snakes, bats, lizards, geckos and you.
Have a good day...............

PS:  Those who are totally against the use of Fendona please give you recommendations of any other chemicals that you think are less harmful to both the bird and the nests.  Perhaps you might want to describe how best can those chemicals should be applied.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Want To Know Why Your BH Young Birds Never Return Home After Their Maiden Flight?

"Pak Harry what can or should not do in order to make sure that those young birds will return home after they can fly?"

Most birdhouse owners are aware that every four months their BH will generate at least 200%multiply by the number of nests in their BH.

For example if you have 300 active nests, every four months you should generate about 600 young birds. For 12 months (one year) there should be at least 600X3 = 1800 of them.

The problem facing most of us is that how come most of them never stay?

Where do they go and what really caused them to move out?

Is it due to the house temperature? Or maybe the Humidity? Or perhaps they found a better place to stay?

There are so many possibilities but if you can talk to them then you might be able to get the right answer direct from the "horse mouth".

Since we cannot cummunicate with the young birds, we can only get some answers by observations.

If you wanted to increase the number of young birds to stay try these:

1) Make sure your BH humidity is above 85%RH but not to exceed 95%. The wetness will make the nest much stronger and less chances of being brittle. Too high the wetness will cause the nesting planks to become a fungus farm.

2) Never remove their bird shits away from their house. It is the biggest mistakes and those birds will feel stressed. It is a great "Taboo" if you keep removing those birdshits. Trust me.

3) Make sure the BH temperature never exceed 30*C. If you crossed this figure you will know that this batch of young birds will never come back home. Monitor your BH temperature carefully and ensure that those room temperatures are below 30*C.

4) You might want to collect those birdshits on the floor and put them into suitable containers. Moved these birdshit containers nearer to the humidifiers. Not too closed but about 1 meter around it. The mist from the humidifiers will help to wet the birdshit and will helps in the fermentation process thus giving out a strong birdshit rotting smell. Those young birds simply loves their birdshit rotting smell.

Have a good day !!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Vietnam Swiftlet Connections !!!

Have you be looking at the number of my blog hits originated from Vietnam?

I am sure you can see that the number is increasing and right now they are invading Kuala Lumpur.

Today, for the first time, I met three separate groups of Vietnam Swiftlet Entrepreneurs.

The first group consisted of three couples (husband and wife) and the group got what they came for.

I was asked to give a one day Workshop on Swiftlet farming.

From the way they asked questions I am pretty sure that they will start a few new BHs in Vietnam.

While conducting the class received another call from a group of 3 Vietnamese who also wanted to have a cup of coffee in Petaling Jaya One World Hotel.

After finishing the talk and clearing the room I proceeded to another Vietnamese swiftlet entrepreneurs.

The three was looking at the possibility of getting me involved with their swiftlet farming projects in HCM.

After a brief chat and a sumptuous dinner I was asked to meet them again to review their BH drawings.

During dinner time another group joint table and it seem they have just returned from Tangkak BH visit.

What a day and every corner you go there are plentiful of Vietnamese.

Those days they come with wooden Tongkang to our shores and when they reach the offshore platforms they will break their boat apart. I remembered helping to rescue them from drowning and provide food and clothing until the marine police arrived. Pulau Bedong off Kuala Trengganu was their favorite destination.

This new wave are no longer running out of their country but they came here to get the right technology on how to become successful swiftlet farmers.

They are willing to get helps from Malaysian and pay in US dollars.

What I know is that my service now will be crossing the borders and I hope to see new things in Vietnam.

What about this story where a 22 months old BH can produce a total of 210 kilograms for the first harvest in a country called Vietnam???

There will be more Vietnamese coming here and I will try to write more about their strange stories........

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I called it the BirdShit Removal Syndrome!!!

Been on the road for three days.

Yesterday was in Melaka then to Batu Pahat.

In Melaka met a new comer to swiftlet farming in Malaysia but she originated from Indonesia.

I met her because she wanted my help to conduct some tests with some products that she brought in from Jakarta.

I told her that my wish is the same as her. If the item works then there is something to talk about in the future.

After the 45 minutes meeting I proceeded to Batu Pahat, Johor.

A group of BHs owners wanted my service to inspect one of the many BHs that they owned and get to the roots of their problem.

"Harry this particular BH have about 300 nests and next to it is with 500 nests. Our biggest problem is they nest population suddenly stop multiplying. We want to know the possible reasons and how to overcome the situation".

Very interesting problem which is more complicated as compared to those with little nests (lesser then 50 after 2-3 years).

I was taken to the BH and allowed to inspect the external and internal.

They started the conversion some time in year 2003. The nest population growth were steady until the 5th year.

After the fifth year the nest population literary stopped increasing.

What can be the possible reason?

Any smart Alex out there who can help?????

Let me give you more information on the BH history:

1) The unit is a three stories shop house and all the floors were converted to BH.

2) There are a number of units beside this affected unit that is doing very well one on the left and the other on the right.

3) The BH uses a shaft/tunnel top entry and each floor will have their own opening.

4) They have changed the sound frequently with the best sound they can lay their hand on.

5) The floor was pretty cleaned like it was cleaned about five to six months ago.

6) The owner have been removing those bird shit regularly. It seem that during one occasion the shits was so much they have some bug bite on the legs. That was 5 years ago.

7) They erected those partitions to turn one or two areas into VIP room.

8) They did those forced harvest but nothing seem to work.

9) They do have those water pool around the wall perimeter but all were dried up.

So what do you think was the cause of the stoppage?

My guess is of course the bird shit removal from the house which they started about 2 years ago.

Prior to that incident the nests population were growing.

They did not realized that bird shit removal is a taboo or "pantang" for a new house.

This particular episode is known as "Bird Shit Removal Syndrome". The BH turn from a healthy unit into a sick unit just because the owner did not realized that those young birds are very sensitive with their shit removal.

I have reasons to believe that the above is something that you need to be very careful about.

I remember during my last visit to the colorful BH in Sungai Rambai, Kuala Selangor.

The tour guide was complaining to me that the owner wanted to revamp the BH since the nest population suddenly stop.

To clear my curiosity I asked her, did the management removed the bird shit prior to the incident?

Her answer was yes. After the shit removal the growth were no longer there and the management could not understand why.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Red Nests Saga !!!

Please remember to read an article written is the Star newspaper today. (If you have not please see the attached article at the bottom of this article).

Just read the article and try not to make any conclusion yet.  If I were you get a proper person who are more knowledgeable or exposed to the red nest industry.

I got some photos to show you that there are such thing as Red Nests produced by those very old bird houses in Indonesia.

Most of the BHs which produces these red nests are said to be at least 30-50 years old with a very thick layer of bird shit on the floor.

It seem that the bird shit during decomposition will produces ammonia gas. The more the shit on the floor the higher concentration it will accumulated in tight enclosed area.

(Double clicks on any photo shown to get a larger size picture)

The person who gave me these photos bought about 30 kilogram of these nests from the house in these pictures and at that time during my visit he was processing the red nests.

I took a careful looked at those raw red nests and held it close to my eyes. They looked simply marvelous and beautiful with no smell.

If you look carefully at all these pictures you can easily see that there are a few new nests which are ivory white, yes they are, however they will turned yellow then red.

During our early days many people thought that it was the cave rock that make the nest turned red. Some claimed that there is a species of swiftlet that have their saliva in red.

But after having red nests being produced inside human made BHs using wood nesting planks (no more rock surfaces) they old believes are no longer true.

From what I was made to understand, correct me if I am wrong, the color has nothing to do with the ammonia gas but have something to do with a kind of bacteria or microorganism that consumed the ammonia gas and excrete those colors.

With a proper ammonia gas concentration, humidity and temperature the nests can turned red easily.  All you need is to introduce the bacteria or microorganism into the BH. (To introduce the bacteria you can just place the red nest inside your BH nesting room).

Frankly those red colors are said to be the "shit" or secretion of these bacteria or microorganism after consuming the ammonia gas.

The longer the nests are being exposed to the ammonia the more "shit" will be produced by those bacteria or microorganism.  The nests color will initially turned light yellow then to light red and then to dark red and eventually black.

This might be something to support my bacteria or microorganism theory:

During my visit to the processing center I bought 500 gm processed white nests for a friend. It was 3% wet.  Due to some reasons he did not consumed the nests and after three weeks he make an SOS call.

"Harry, I forgot to keep the processed nests properly and now got lot of fungus.  Something strange Harry the nests, some of it were turning red."

I was taken back but quickly collected the defective nests and took back to the processing center. The owner of the processing center was surprised too.

"Harry I am surprised with the red colored spots on the nests you brought back. This batch was totally white nests but I think the bacteria or microorganism from those red nests which were under processed during that time must have contaminated them. Never happened before but I think it is those bacteria or microorganism."

Of course there are those people who will taint or spray chemicals for the sake of making fast money but what we need to remember is that there are such thing as red nests.

Many lab tests indicated that there is no extra added value to these red nests but due to a very strong selling power by practically all "Sinseh" in China, Malaysia, Indonesia and so forth the value shoot up to more then double.

Note: This article is not to ridicule any person who were mentioned in the article.  My sincere intention is to make all my blog readers to know some truth nothing but the truth. Sorry if I have offended any person.

There are also blue colored nests and puple, I was told.

Someone send this message to me:

   I think the red bird nest color is induced by yeast not bacteria. The most likely yeast is Monascus. This yeast will cause red coloring. This is part of the reason why people said the red nest is better than white nest and it is likely the red nest will have blood thinning effect.

Found at:

Monday August 23, 2010

Consumers fall for Nest-y scam


PETALING JAYA: “Blood nest” – a much sought after variety of bird’s nest – is actually tainted with dangerous chemicals to deceive consumers into paying double the price for a premium grade.

While the normal bird’s nest, which is ivory in colour, can fetch up to RM10,000 a kilo, the reddish “blood nest” fetches up to RM20,000 a kilo.

Traders justify the exorbitant price by claiming the “blood nest” is a premium grade of the Chinese delicacy.
In exposing this scam on Saturday, Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Chua Tee Yong said these tainted bird’s nests were dangerous to health and may even be fatal when consumed by humans.
He said the nests were either sprayed with iodine or stored at premises where there was high ammonia content to give them a uniform bright-red colour.

“Some also use karya gum (from a soft wooded tree) to give the bird’s nest its reddish colour,” he told The Star.

Chua advised the public against purchasing bird’s nest from dubious traders and urged the industry to practise self-regulation to ensure the quality and safety of the product.

He said that all bird’s nests must have a Veterinary Service Department health certificate before they could be exported.

Federation of Bird’s Nest Merchants Asso­ciations chairman Datuk Beh Heng Seong said the term “blood nest” was coined by conmen and that there was “no such thing”.

“Bird’s nest is made up of the saliva of swiflets and is ivory in colour. It is impossible for bird’s nest to be red in colour.

“The so-called blood nests have high levels of nitrates from the artificial red colouring added to it,” Beh said, admitting that many consumers had been deceived into paying a high price for the dangerous product.

He said a kilo of bird’s nest costs between RM8,000 and RM10,000 in the market depending on the grade while a kilo of the “blood nest” was between RM15,000 and RM20,000.

Beh said Malaysia produced some 240 tonnes of bird’s nest worth RM1bil a year and 90% of it was exported to China.

Asked whether the federation, comprising 19 associations and 10,000 members nationwide, had tried to rein in those who were cheating consumers, he said they were looking at educating consumers on bird’s nests and coming up with guidelines for the industry.

Meanwhile, Fomca secretary-general Muhd Sha’ani Abdullah urged the Health Ministry to issue guidelines on what a genuine bird’s nest was and to warn consumers of bird’s nests with added colouring.

He said so far, they have not received any complaint from consumers on the so-called “blood nest” but added that could be because consumers were unaware of tainted products in the market.

He suggested that the Health Ministry issue certificates for untainted products.

“Traders should also be responsible by making sure no harmful chemicals are used in their products,” said Muhd Sha’ani.

Some Take The Water More Seriously Then Others !!!

I remember writing an article on the importance of water or floor wetness in your BH.

It seem that the more the floor areas are wet the more the birds will be inside your BH.

It might be the high humidity or perhaps those wetness helps to soak those bird shits on the floor and helps to decompose them.  During the decomposition the sludge will be smellier and well liked by those birds.

I visited a few of these wet floors BHs and yes the results seem to be much better then those dried floor BHs.

Today I was invited to visit a 1.5 years BH and the owner seem to believe in my theory more then 100%.

His observations were similar to mine.

He currently owned a few BHs.  Some were 100% his and some on partnership arrangements.

Among the many, he has this special one story BH that was initially a water clogged classroom belonging to a Private Chinese School.

When he turned the classrooms into BH he never realized that those wet floors will benefited him and the school board of trustees in the long run.

After less then one year he can already harvest 2.5 kilograms per month. The birds population grew the fastest among the many birdhouses he owned.

"Harry you know why this is better then the rest?  It was the water on the floor.  We have been having heavy rainfall this few months and the BH surrounding was clogged with water.  They entered the house through those drain holes and flooded the BH floor. That was the reason why I believed in your wet floor theory."

He was so convinced and now wanted all his BH floors be installed with containers that are light and wide enough to store water on the floor.

He bought 100 of these Styrofoam containers about 1' X1' X 5' and scattered these containers on the floor.

I was a bit amused with this interesting method and I think it will work.

I think it is a superb idea but maybe he can fine tuned the use of these containers by:

1) Place them at the perimeter of the BH walls.

2) The water kept in the containers should be laced with mosquito lava killer like "ABATE".

3) The other chemical to be added is something that can helps to evaporate the water much faster then normal.

4) I would like that some of those containers to be placed below those nests.  Let the bird shits falls directly into the water container.  In this way they will become soft and decomposed giving out those natural bird shit smell aroma.

Well what I know is that he will not look back and this new findings will helps to get more birds into all his BHs

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sabah Land Ends And Beautiful Photos Taken !!!

Long ago I visited "land's End (LE)" of UK and early this year visited Peninsular Malaysia LE some where in Johor.

Today visited the LE in Kudat, Sabah.

After two unsiccessful birdcall test around Kudat, the owner decided to show me the tip of Sabah.

Look at these pictures:

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sabah Can Be A Swiftlet Farming Heaven!!!

I was not surprised with the birdcall tests results conducted in Kudat and Tuaran, Sabah.

At both locations the responds was pretty good and passed my minimum bird count.

Yesterday morning I started my morning trip at about 5.00am and finished my day at 12 mid night.

Early in the morning went to two pieces of lands closed to the tip of Borneo.  One on the steep hillside and the other was at a nice piece of land situated just a few yards away from the sandy beach.

Unfortunately there were only one bird that responded.  I told the owner that the two lands were not at the right location and the one on the steep hillside will have difficulties to ferry those building materials.

On the way back to Tuaran, the owner wanted to collect some durians and the collection point was very closed to the land tested earlier in the morning.  While waiting for the durian transferring from one car to the other I saw a few black spots in the sky.

I quickly got the test unit into operation and within minutes there were more then 50 birds above the car.

I told my client to look up above the car and he was amazed with the instant result.

"Harry where the hell do they came from?"

Well I did two more things to show the land owner how weird the birds behaves.

1) I told them that I can bring the bird down lower and above my head.  Took some branches of those leaves and waved at them.  All came down to me and the land owner was very surprised.

2) I got the car driver to move the car with the gadget in play to move to another location about 100 meters from its original location.  Those bird dashed to the car.  They actually followed the car?

We then shut the birdcall gadget and make our trip to Tuaran.

The rain was not very friendly.  It was quite heavy but I insisted to test since the day before that the test unit failed to operate.  I just wanted to confirm that those birds I saw on that day were indeed facifagus.

Less then 10 seconds we got more then 30 birds hovering about the gadget.  It was raining pretty heavy with about 2 inches of water on the ground and we could not come out of the car.

Before we left the number swelled to about 50.  This was in a heavy rain condition.

We reached KK at about 5.00pm and rest.

After dinner time I received a blog reader who wanted to get to know me.

He confirmed that he have conducted birdcall test in Lahat Datu and the result was positive.  It seem that the number of swiftlet in Sabah in General are increasing healthily.

With  a growing number of BHs being constructed and controlled harvesting in many caves in Sabah, the future is great for all Sabahan.

My gut feeling about swiftlet farming in Sabah is that the state should look at it in a more positive ways.

They should look at it as a potential income earning for the state and their population.

They should come out with a proper plan to turn the state into the most lucrative place to invest in swiftlet farming.

They should support and provide proper incentives for more people to get involved with the very lucrative industries.

Both the upstream and downstream should be looked at.

The best is to encourage the setting up of Swiftlet Eco Park to pull in more foreign investors especially from mainland China, Hong Kong and Singapore.

The current daily flight to Hong Kong should be the link to draw these investors to fly into the state.

Get the "Malaysia as Your Second Home Program"  should be fully utilized to get those investors to come over to buy these swiftlet BHs build in those eco parks.

Try not to kill the industry by threatening those who are currently running those BHs in the state but regulate them.  Find a way to harmonies the situation.

Get them a proper guidelines and give them the appropriate incentives to move their BH to a proper location.

The current locations which they operate can be used as the young birds generator but those eco parks and those in agricultural land will be the new income generating structures for the state.

Try not to close them but help those owners to maintain them to the proper guidelines that can ensure minimum noise pollution, little smell out of them, no mosquito breeding inside, no health hazard and etc.

Make sure they follow the stringent rules and penalize them if they do not follow.

Your main aim is to increase the birds population so that you main plan to turn the state into swiftlet haven is achieved.

Bring in more investors into your beautiful country and use your natural asset to the maximum.......

Make Sure You Scrutinise Those Timers !!!

Not many BH owner bother to check those timers that operates the power supply to all those gadgets in their BH.  Main reason being they tend to take note or learn how important those timers are.

Just have a good look at the about so call timers.  What do you think the right time?

I was at this BH in SP and when I entered the BH I was confused with so many Hager timers on the wall.

How come so many and how come their clock arms are not showing the same time?

The owner was also confused.

"Harry I don't know about how these thing works so never dare to touch them."

You mean you don't know their functions and what equipment they are controlling?

He shook his head.

Wah Lio Weh, then everything is running hay wired.

By the end of the day I managed to read some sketches/drawings on the wall and readjusted the clock arms.

So many and I can tell you I am as confused as the BH caretaker.

At least I put the arms to the right time.

These are some of those things that you must know how to rectify.

Running any BH is not a bed of roses.  You need to be good in nearly everything.

Be it adjusting of the timer, those pumps, those lights, those sounds, the humidifiers and so forth.

You need to know all of them so that you can fix them yourself without relying on a third party.

The faster you master them the cheaper it will be for your BH operation.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My First Day In Sabah !!!

Arrived at KK airport at about 12.00 noon on August 18th 2010.

I was received by a young man who was assigned to fetch me from the KK airport and immediately left for Tuaran.

Reached Tuaran at about 2.00pm and waited for the land owner to arrived.

The test gadget refuse to operate and managed to get a blog reader who happened to be staying nearby to help.

"Nobody else but Pak Harry.  If I receive his call I will never refuse to help.  He is a very helpful person and I want to be like him."

By the time got the replacement unit it was late to test and  we decided to proceeded to Kudat.

The journey was about 2 hours and it rains heavily.  By the time reaches Kudat it was pretty dark. 

Managed to eat and check into a resort.

There was nothing interesting to be happy about but a phone call from Mr.S of Kuantan brighten my dull day.

"Pak Harry, got some good news for you.  My Kuantan BH which you visited and provide those revamping works plus the new sound, Diamond, is doing okay.  The retired Vet who told you about those piglets adoption technique indicated that there were at least 20 birds that entered the house today.  They seem to fly in and not coming out."

Well I felt good and I am sure the owner himself felt good too.  After more then 6 months with no signs of any birds entering now more then 20 staying.

I think he will do well but I reminded him to monitor the effectiveness of the external sound.  If it become less effective just replace it with a new sound.

There was also some good news from the Jerantut Revamped BH.  The owner indicated that the birds seem to prefer staying on the top floor and now the 1st floor.

The owner requested my visit to do some modifications and I humbly told him that I might be only free next week.

Another interesting new was from a Dr. friend who wanted to compile my blog into a manual. 

"Harry after one month, until my finger partialy numbed, I managed to get all the pages downloaded.  The total number of pages without any pictures was more then 1,600 pages. I have summarised on a month to month basis and I need to see you on Friday".

Hmm.... very interesting to have my blog article turned into a manual.......

Tried The New Canister Aroma in Bakar Arang Revamped BH !!!

"What happened if the new aroma works???"

Initially I was skeptical about the canister aroma.  However I wanted to proof that it might work.

The plan to go a bit further in trying out was initiated by a call from a blog reader who recently used the aroma in his new BH located in Kulim.

"Pak Harry, may I have another 6 packs plus the dispensers."

Hmm ..... you need more packs and can I know the results from the first 2?

"Not bad, after applying,  I saw lots of birds from my neighbors came over.  It might be the sound but hopefully the aroma too."

Since I have a few more inside my car I send the six packs to him but wait a minute why don't I carry out a full trial out in Bakar Arang?

What I did was to get 6 packs and placed on the lower floor of the revamp BH. The upper floor was dedicated in the use of Bird shit and ammonia bicarb powder.

Two sets in the two VIP rooms and one each at the roving and entrance areas.

Set it to 18 minutes per spray and let see what will happen to the whole floor.

Will make some kind of evaluation by August 31st, 2010.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Another Sick BH In SP Turn Around Job Well Done !!!

Just arrived from Sungai Patani, Kedah about 30 minutes ago.

Completed the turn around works for a BH in a factory at Bakar Arang Industrial Estate,

The owner converted one of the building into three BHs in one.  Three entrances, two floors each with a dimension of about 40 feet by 100 feet.

When I was brought in for just a short inspection two weeks ago it was just a look see look see.

I was not in the mood to do any major things for the shot trip but after doing the round trip inside, I briefly told him what he should do.

I did not realized that he, the caretaker, been trying out so many things and nothing seem to work.

"Harry I am under big pressure to make these three units successful.  I really need your big help."

Well I can see from your face that you have lots of load on your shoulder.  Get someone to follow this things that I will list down for you and I think those birds can and will come in to stay.

"Okay, so when can you start?  Today can or not?" his reply with no hesitation.

Brother I am here for a walk and you wanted me to start today?  Are you sick or what? I am not properly prepared and you want me to do something which we never even talk about the price?

"I don't care the price just get cracking please."

Okay let me make some call and see if my work's Supervisor staying in SP  is free to come over.

After a few short minutes my Supervisor came over and I quickly asked him to assemble a few workers.  Yes we started the job on the spot.

I was lucky because I carried with me a few boxes of tweeters and amplifiers.

I told the owner to get some building materials (those woods and cement boards) and I will get my hand on some equipment that might help to turn around the BHs.

I attended the top floor first  for the first part of the job and once completed I put the unit into operation.  I then came down to the ground floor for the second phase of the job.  In this way the upstairs was in operation mode while the lower floor being worked upon.

Today, after two weeks I managed to get the house into full operation mode and the transformation was so good that within two weeks, the top floor after into operation mode for only one week has already more then 5 sets of new tenants.

This new masterpiece was inclusive of those clusters and chandeliers tweeters arrangements.  The clusters (4 tweeters at those crossing) were with internal sound and the chandeliers (8 tweeters per cluster) were connected to the external sound.

I can see that when we put the sounds on they started to enter the BH and zoomed to the clusters and chandeliers.

Each floor I created two VIP rooms.  The entrances into the VIP room were about 3 feet wide.  Lots of external sound tweeters (almost 30 pieces).  I managed to stumbled onto these twin base tweeters and they seem to be doing very well.

I also included lots of those plastic, foam and aluminum fake nests. Put them closed to those clusters and single tweeters. (Look at the photos). Perfect distance so that they will stimulate the birds to quickly lay their eggs and multiply.

I change the sound to something new and the birds seem to start coming in and out of the house nearly every minute.

I can see some smile on the caretaker's face. Remember he tried nearly every tricks in his sleeves but nothing happened.

Whew what a relief.  At least this guy will be my best friend for a long long time....

Best of luck to him and his BH.........................

So you think I am now over with him after this first unit?

Not yet brother. He then asked me to do this:

"Pak Harry can you get your workers to start a similar revamp works in another BH nearby."

Ah Chek, actually how many BHs do you owned?

"Very few la, only 4 but I plan another 2 at least. Not all are mine but JV with my brother. Sikit sikit only. I also wanted those Steel Frames portable type you suggested recently where I can move if the local council chase me out."

Oh my God this is a common traits.  Initially will confirmed only one unit and after seeing the results they will start pushing you to the next and then another unit and so forth.

All the while my strategy was to only do one job (repair or newly build) to one person.  That first job will be at a reasonable price but for the subsequent units will be the market price.

If this guy block booked all my staff and my time then how am I going to help others?

Hmm... need to tell him nicely so that he won't feel offended.....