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Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Bit Shaken With News About A New Friend Who Fell Down Inside His BH!!!

I was driving home yesterday from Port Klang to Kuala Lumpur.

I think I did not pick up the phone of someone from KK.  I return his call and ask him what's up.

"Pak Harry, not a good news to share with you.  Remember Mr Liew who ordered those items from you for his newly completed BH? He fell down from a ladder and now in the hospital. He fractured some bones but the most critical is a crack in his skull around the forehead".

Oh no I lost a heart beat when the words about the crack in the skull.

Currently recovering in the hospital and latest from his pal was that he is recovering but do not want to talk.

The Doctor told the family that he was very lucky to be safe from a 10 feet tall ladder fall.

This should not have happened if the following were followed:

1) He should have not visited his BH at night.
2) His BH was not properly lighted.  It was still under construction and maybe have yet to install those lights.
3) His BH was not installed with any staircase to move from one floor to another.  He uses those movable ladder made of wood that are not design for him.

He was very lucky to have his wife and kid with him during the visit.  If he was alone, I can assure you he might not be safe.

I hope this article, truly yours, tells us something.  Try to be very careful when visiting your own BH.

During the design stage make sure a proper staircases are included.

PS: It seem that he is recovering but seem to refuse to talk.

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