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Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Lamtoro Swiftlet Attraction !!!

I remembered writing a few articles about the usefulness of planting Lamtoro tree around your stand alone BHs.

About a week ago one of my blog reader from Sarawak called to ask me for some seeds.

"Pak Harry, I read from your blog that lamtoro plants are good to be planted around your BH.  Is there any specific reasons before I proceed?"

I gave a short explaination about the plant ability to attract insect to pollinate their flowers, the leaves are also suitable to be a source of food for some insects and I also know that there are lots of insects that lay eggs in the plant seed pots.

After listening to my biology lecture, he bought the idea and order some.

Since he purchased I need to collect them from a plant nearby my area.  I told him that I will sent to him after harvesting the fresh seeds.

While doing the harvesting I keep reminding my self to be on the look out for any signs of insect worms on the leaf or the seed pods.

I was not surprised when  I found that every seed pod there will be at least one worm about 1-1.5cm long.

I am pretty sure that when they are well fed they will turn into insect which are well liked by those swiftlet.

Please have a look at more pictures.

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