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Friday, September 6, 2013

Have You Tried Using Rope ????

Something new and sensational.

"Pak Harry have you ever though of using rope as your fake nests?" a weird question from a BH owner from Dungun.

I was at home when this BH owner whose BH is in Dungun called me for a cup of coffee.

He was one of those successful BH owner who applied "Super Pheromone" inside his BH.

His method was to inspect every fresh bird shit spot on the floor and once located he will apply the SP onto the spot where those birds are staying.

His method propelled the nest number from about 50 to 200 within three months.

This time we chat about new findings.

His interesting idea was the use of rope as fake nest.

What you need to do, according to his idea, was to anchor the rope to each box of your nesting plank.

Just inside the VIP room will be good enough.

It must be about 1.5 inches above the bottom lip of the nesting planks.

Those birds will use the rope to cling to and soon after they will build their nest using the rope to cling to.

The nests will be mainly on the nesting planks and only the bottom part will be touching the rope.

Once the number of nests reaches about 10 or so you can gently remove the rope and move it to another location.

By carrying out this technique you will have a box occupied and reuse the rope at another location.

What if you soak the rope into those liquid pheromone?

That will be an added advantage.

Soak the rope into the liquid pheromone for about 2 -3 days and dry it up.

Be careful not to hold it with your bare hand.

Use those rubber gloves.

Let it dry up and wrap it up with a plastic sheet.

Bring to site and install them inside your VIP room especially the areas with a number of bird shit spots on the floor.

Anchor the scented rope with screw or clip or steel band.

Once done cut the excess rope.

Monitor the progress during every visit into your BH.

A very interesting idea and I hope to start applying it at Sungai Rambai BH.

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