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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Belara BH Revamp Operation: Finally Confirmed !!!

After almost 4 months waiting for approval I am happy to inform that the Belara BH owner approved my proposal.

I was taken to view the BH in February 2015 and submitted my views about the poorly performing BH.

This BH already with 800 ++ nests however it stopped multiplying.

Prior to the Feb 2015 visit I did another inspection 10 months earlier.

The number of nests increased was way below what a good BH should be moving to.

In my visit report I told the owner that I will be able to double the nests population within 10-12 months after the revamp works.

Which means that after 10 months he will see the total number of nest to touch 1600 nests.

If this come true I think I deserve a big bonus and I will use this example as my reference in any talk that I deliver.

Main areas which I planned to tackle the BH problems will be on the following areas:

1) The BH badly in need of a good sound system.  The monkey house roof areas need some modifications.  A hexagonal tweeter will be essential.  The main entrance hole need to be widened.  The external sound tweeters need to be added  so that I can draw those wild birds to where they should be.  The number of internal tweeters needs to be increased to at least 300.  Those defunct amplifiers need to be replaced.  I have some idea what kind of sounds will be used to attract those wild birds.

2) The BH top floor is a bit too bright.  I planned to block those bright light and making sure that those new couples will start making their nests the very moment they stayed in the BH.

3) I planned to open a new LAL opening to make these birds to populate the lower floors.  At the present moment nearly 70% of the 800 are found on the top most floor.  They could not find their way down to the lowest floor.

4) The BH floors will be wet and moist.  Main purpose is to cool and make the three nesting rooms humid.  Wet floor will help to reduce dust from flying all over the floors.  The lesser the dust the better will be the nest quality.

5) I fully believed in VIP rooms.  Each floor will be erected one VIP room.

6) To bait those young couples I planned to install a large number of fake nests sprayed with super pheromone.

7) There will be a number of new cross woods.  These cross woods will create a large number of 90 degrees corners.  Swiftlet love 90 degrees corners.

8) All those 90*corners with tenant will be covered with steel plate.

9) The BH will be properly treated with insecticide.

10) I will never forget to make sure those owls will not be able to enter this BH.

11) The main entrance hole is facing the West.  This is not a very well design features.  The only way out is to open a new window just to allow the morning light to enter he monkey house.

This project will be a good reference to all my followers and student.

I need to make sure it will have the highest number of nests every year immediately after the revamp operation.

Will start mobilizing equipment and staff before June 2015

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