Just imagine that your BH is more than 5 years old.
The number of nests is okay around 3,500 nests but they seems to have very little attention to those still vacant areas on your nesting planks.
What can be to probable reasons for this weird behaviour?
My latest story, gathered today, might be of special interest to you.
This is very true and it happened about two weeks ago.
I was on my way to Sabak Bernam Selangor to meet someone who happened to order a set of my insect generating powder.
I took the opportunity to meet an old friend at Setiawan Perak (capital city for swiftlet farming).
We have a good lunch and this was where he came out with this interesting story.
"Pak Harry recently I discovered something that we have never thought before. Do you know how to reactivate those nesting planks that seems to be ignored by your tenants? Use those steel brush and clean them. As time goes we never realize that the plank surface are covered with thick dust. This make these dirty surface not attractive to your swiftlet. If you should just brush them you will be surprised what happen after that."
The moment they realized what happened after a few short weeks they gave a total brushing on all those nesting planks that have no tenant.
What really happened was that within a few short weeks those spots that they brushed using steel brush were with nests.
This confirmed their suspicion that there BH nesting planks were dirty and covered with dust that were not seem by your naked eye.
Remember those birds have a very strong sense of smell and if the plank surface is dirty they will not select those areas.
So use this information for your future maintenance operation of your BH.
If you happened to experience a similar fenoma you should take those steel brush and clean a few spots.
Check on these selected spots during your next trip.
If those cleaned spots are occupied with markings you know or confirmed that your nesting planks are dirty and need brushing.
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