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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"What Else Should I Do To Bring Those Wild Birds Into My New BH?"

Two of my blog readers asked the same question today.

One via an email while the other via phone.

Both seem to be very concerned that those wild birds refuse to enter their brand new BHs.

For some reasons they think that I have that miracle touch which can make them understand why and what can they do immediately.

Hmm......not an easy task without having a chance to visit their BH and look both inside and outside.

Well since they asked, I quickly asked a few questions about their BH background and how many birds are responding to the sound that they played. Both indicated there are about 20 to 30 birds.

Not bad but it could have been better then that.

The next question was about their BH microhabitat. Temperature, humidity and darkness? Both says nearly the same things. Within the required range ....

Hmm.....both seem to be very knowledgable about the word "micro habitat".

What about the use of any kind of Aroma? One said yes he have splashed all the aroma recommended while the other says that he have not heard anything about Aroma before.

Then I posted about using one tweeter with the external sound in the house. Both have no idea what I was talking about.

Hmm ..... I am getting there.

Oh yeah, this seem to be a good avenue to ask them to try out something new to them.

Okay please try this:

1) Install a tweeter at the far end of your BH and connect their sound signal to the amplifier that plays the external sound. If your BH is two floors, then put one in both.

2) Apply those feaces powder Aroma on the floor. To cut down your cost get two of 5 kilograms bags and split them into four (2.5 X 4). Place them at those four corners of your BH floor. If your BH is two stories unit then get 4 bags and split into 8 bags.

3) Apply those new house Aroma on the BH walls just about 50 cm below the nesting planks. Make sure they do not come in contact with the nesting planks.

4) Get hold of the Close2U Aroma and do the followings:

Pour some into your humidifier's water bowl and let it be sprayed into the BH.

Place some in the hand spray and applied onto those entrance hole perimeter.

Also try to spray some on the perimeter of the door leading to the nesting rooms.

If you have installed those fake nests, spray some on them.

Select the most probable nesting areas on the nesting planks and spray lightly on
them. Make sure they will be quickly dried or else mold will grow (be careful).

Make sure all those ventilation holes are tightly shut except one or two.

5) Externally U should look into how to improve the macro habitats. The first is to unsure that you use the right sound. The sound you played must be able to attract at least 20-30 birds all day long. If they are not doing that, you need to quickly find a more effective sound and replace those ineffective sound.

6) If you have some spare cash, you should consider to install water sprays above your roof to attract as many birds as possible to play on the top of your BH roof.

7) You might consider installing a cluster tweeters on the top of your BH roof, to attract more birds to your BH rooftop.

8) Well what about those insect powder? Activate those insect powder and they should be operational within 18 days. Place them in the roving areas.

Try all these for at least three months without fail. If there are still no birds in the house then you should call Harry. I think we need engage some "Bomoh" to exocise the house. There must be "bad spirits" disturbing those wild birds from coming in.

By the way, are you sure that you BH entrance hole is the right size and facing the right direction?

I hope the above tips are usefull and if you are facing the same problems, just try them.

Harry guarantees that they will increase the birds population however he holds no reponsibilties if they do not work. He can only share his ideas but you have to make the final decision.

The question is, do you have any other better alternatives?


Anonymous said...

Hi Harry,

Thank you for your teaching and gauidance. I am a newbie with only 3 bidnests in my BH. I started my BH for 3 years, but only managed to have 3 birdnest. Don't no what happen?

must i need to different bird sound for external and internal? did you mean 1 sound for external and another different sound for internal?

Birdnest Failure

Pak Harry The Swiftlet Anthusiast !!! said...


3 birdnest in three years? That's very bad. There must be lots of things that are wrong with your BH and yourself.

I think U need to go for a refresher course in swiftlet farming.

If U have some money get someone who is willing to visit your BH and provide a list of things to do to improve the birds population.

Other then that just read my blog from the beginning and try to DIY.

I am not sure how I can be of help but you do need help !!!

Call me if I can help....