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Friday, May 2, 2008

You Can Generate Insects By Using Pineapples !!

Beside using insect powder, there is another way of generating more insects for your wild birds.

The best which I have tried and do give a good result is by using pineapples fruits.

I buy them from the local fruit store at about a few riggit and cut them into about one inch thick sections. I put them on a big tray and soak with some water.

If you want to make them a bit more attrative to those fruit flies, you need to add some bakery yeast on the cut pinnapples.

Leave it for a day and you will automatically atrract at least a few hundreds of them.

Put them in the roving area and I am sure your swiftlets will enjoy eating them.

There are a few pros and cons in using this technique.

a)You need to check them every two weeks.

b)They tend to dry up very fast and U need to top up the water every two weeks.

c) They will last not more then 4 weeks. U need to remove them.

The amount of flies they bring in is substential but it last the most 4 weeks. Insect powder have a much longer lasting period i.e 4 months.

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