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Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Birds Seems To Be Streaming In Like No Stopping !!!

Remember the wooden BH (above picture)  in Semporna Sabah?

After the owner carried out a few modifications based on my short visit to his BH his  BH now is streaming with swiftlet.

"Pak Harry after implementing those recommendation plus your amplifier settings adjustment I think my BH is streaming with birds." he commented.

What I actually did was to tell him to do three to four things that I feel will help him to get those birds to stay.

1) Erect a wall to block those bright light from polluting you nesting rooms.  This was his BH major issue due to the fact that his consultant told him everything was all right.  I disputed the brightness and told him to erect a number of walls to block the bright light plus instructed him where to open a door.

2) I also convinced him to erect a wall on each floor to create those VIP rooms.  I specifically pointed to him where to erect and where the entrance door should be located.

3) I showed him the number of bird shit spots were equal to the number of internal sound tweeters he installed inside the nesting room.  My advise was to increase the number to at least twice.  Showed him where to install them and where they should be facing.

4) This BH was with no external sound inside the nesting room.  I forced him to install at least one kite tweeter inside the VIP room to be connected to external sound amplifier.

5) On each door wooden frame he need to install at least two external sound tweeters on them.

6) All the amplifiers were not properly set and I corrected them.

7) Install at least 20 fake nests inside the VIP room I told him and he did just that.

8) Why don't you get the Super Pheromone and spray them onto all your fake nests?  This was my last recommendation.

Now after just three weeks his BH now is alive.

The birds were seen to be entering non stop.

It is nice to know that your simple ideas works and make the BH owner happy.

Good luck to him and I wish I can use his BH as my example during my next seminar in Semporna Sabah.

His Super Pheromone canister should have arrived this week.

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