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Friday, November 28, 2014

Fruit Flies Production: Papaya Trees Around Kepala Batas BH Doing Fined !!!

(1 week old Papaya tree planted around Kepala Batas BH)

After about one week of planting the Papaya trees looks fined.

The planting took place on November 12th 2014.

Remember the Kepala Batas BH that I revamped recently?

The empty land around the BH was planted with about 17 papaya trees.

The trees were purchased from a shop who claimed that the Papaya species is the "One Foot Long".

Each fruits will be about 1 foot long.

Within 6 months they will start fruiting.

Well my main intention is to used the ripe fruits to produce insect.

The cheapest and the easiest method to generate fruit flies for your birds.

Once they are ripe they can be blended and mixed with yeast.

If properly stored the sludge will be able to attract those fruit flies to it.

If stored inside the monkey house openings they will be able to fill the space with lots of those fruit flies.

Let us hope that this simple idea will work and boost the insects around this BH.

Right now need to make sure that the Papaya trees are will taken care of and grow as fast as it can.

I hope within 6 months I will see some fruits.

If you owned a BH on a piece of land try to plant these papaya trees for insect generating.

The cost in using these papaya fruits is cheaper then buying those expensive insect generating powder at those shops.

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