Let me take a bit of your precious time to discuss about the reasons why we should use these BH aromas and how many types they are.
You need to remember this. Everything that you do in your birdhouse must have specific reasons. These reasons must be properly understood and their methods of installations or applications must be specific. You must never take them for granted.
If someone, even your SIFU, recomend you the product(s) you must first evaluate their benefits, why they are usefull and how they react once installed.
In the case of Aroma, I did wrote a short article sometime back. Let us recall the benefits and see how they play a major role in a successfull birdhouse.
Let us close our eyes and imagine that you are entering a successfull BH or a Cave full of swiftlets. What do you think there are inside?
Firstly they are dark then pretty noisy with birds chipping and flying above your head. The next thing that you will experience is the smell. The smell of those birdshit on the floor oxidising plus those dead birds on the floor and of course some fallen birdnests fermented.
These smell are made up of gases that are generated and are said to be consisting of amonia, hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide. To us they are smelly and stinky. To those birds these are something that make them feel peacefull and safe.
The moment a young hatchling breaks away from their egg's shell, their eyes are totally closed and they will immediately inhale these so called aromas. The smell actually tells these young swiftlets that the place is safe and this is how a suitable home should be. A safe place which my parent have selected to build a nest.
When this information is embeded in their brain, it will be atomatic that when the time of breading comes, these young swiftlets will choose exactly the same environment.
This is why you need to apply aromas in your new BH. Before you do that you must ensure that those cement smell, the wood smell, the welding of door smell, the painting of roof smell, those cigarrete smokes puffed by your labourers smell and many more must be first eliminated.
You can start by running a few high powered fans in each floor for a couple of days or perhaps every night when your construction workers stop their works at night.
You can apply some some kind of aroma suitable for new BH while have the ability to mask those smell and filling up any crevices on the walls and the wood.
Some people recommend the use of fresh pineapples onto the walls and throw some into those pond that you built and so on.
The new BH cleaning of smell exercise might take a few weeks to a few months until they are less pungent and attractive to those wild birds.
One reason why your new BH is not not attarcting those wild birds is due to this
new house smell syndrome. You must plan from day one on how to eliminate them.
The moment you have successfully eliminate them you now have to look at how to turn your house to smell like those successfull BH or a cave full of birds.
First the use of a few bags of birdshit that you can purchase or bring them from your other BHs.
Then, how about placing some feace powder that can produce those amonia smell on an instant basis? You can have about 5 bags of 5 kilos on every floor (20 X 70 feet). Do not spray them on the floor but just place them in a pail or box and let them evaporate. Each bag to be strategically located in the BH.
What about applying the wall aromas? This is something that lots of people are very hesitating. The idea of using these wall aroma is to let these young birds to feel sexy and wanted to quickly mate. This is something like VIAGRA pills that those old men uses before they can have their erection.
To these male birds, once they are horny and wanted to corpulate, they need to built a nest. The horny feeling will activate their saliva gland to form and they will be able to built a nest. Once ready, they will allow the female partner to check the suitability and only after she approved the construction she will give the clearance to mate.
The two will copulate for at least 8 days. This copulation exercise continue day and night until the first egg is laid in their nest. This happened on the eight or nineth day. Within the nest 2 days the second egg will be laid.
The other aroma that can be considered is the wood plank aroma which can attract these young birds into your new BH.
This specially formulated aroma, when apply on some strategic locations in the BH will actually draw more birds into your BH and thus allowing your BH population to multiply to a resonable level.
You will see a surge of birdshit spots in your new BH within a couple of weeks.
My advise to those new BH owners is to open their mind set and try these new technologies. You need to condition your BH to mimic a successfull BH or a cave. You cannot depend on luck or leave it to GOD. You need to think that the most practical methods to shortern your return of investments and of course the faster they move in the happier you will be.
You need to set a proper schedules to use these aromas and you cannot do half heartedly like most failed BH in your area.
If you wanted to try with proper guidance, you need to talk to Harry