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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How To Use Those Birdcall Sounds To Intoxicate those Swiftlets Into Your BHs !!!!

Almost every person that I met, I am talking about those who owned BHs, have the same opinion on good bird call sound. They bring in more birds into their BHs.

Once those sound loose their effectiveness, you need to be ready with another new sound for an immediate change. If you continue using those outdated sounds you will face this "Empty BH Syndrome".

So my advise to you is to be always ready with a few good bird call sound in your drawer.

Once your rooftop get lesser and lesser number of birds playing you have to quickly decide to slot in those new sound.

Well beside this simple and straight forward things that you can do, using sounds, what else do you think you can do to make those birds just could not resist in tenanting your new BH?

How about conducting a "Bird Sound Combination" test and I term it as "Let's Rock"?

Let's Rock is actually very simple but you need to be very patience and diligent in carrying out this technique.

What you need is to install a rooftop tweeters and link them with a set of amplifiers and players.

Once you have this installed, make sure the tweeter on the roof top is not more then five feet high and close to your entrance hole.

If you can,, try also to install one CCTV camera to view those birds coming in and out of your BH entrance hole.

Okay now you are pretty ready. Oops, I forgot to let you know that you need a few high quality latest bird call sounds from Pak Harry.

Now once you are ready, you can start by using the most enticing sound for your entrance hole and another better sound on those roof top tweeters.

Yes you are playing two sound in combinations. One the standard entrance hole sound while the other is the roof top tweeter's sound.

You set the sound at the entrance hole, say 6 out of 10 loudness, and fix to that.

Now you turn your attention to the roof top sound player. Put in one of those latest sound and try to pull as many birds as possible above your roof top.

Once they are up there you not can slowly reduce the sound volume from, say 10 to 2. See what happen. Watch those CCTV screen.

You will be very surprised what happen and I do not wish to make any guarantee but just see what happen.

Once you get the right sound combination you might want to fix the volume and run them using your digital timer.

Let those modern technology do their work.

Note: Pak Harry never guarantee anything and if you fail to observe any changes in the number of birds into your BH, just don't blame Harry. He got this idea from his own BH and if you master this technique there is a very strong possibilities that your BH will be fulled in a much shorter period as compared to conventional "wait for those birds to come in" technique.


Anonymous said...

Dear Harry,

Greetings from Sarawak.

I stumbled upon your blog towards the end of last month and ever since I have fallen in love with it. Thank you very much for sharing your experiences and knowledge on swifelet farming.

Recently I have also created a new blog on swiftlet farming. ( will be entirely dedicated to all things related to swiftlet farming, especially in the central regions of Sarawak.I look forward to receiving guidance and support from you on this subject.

Should you be coming this way, please let me know and we can meet up for a lot of interesting "bird talks".

Wishing you all the best.


Pak Harry The Swiftlet Anthusiast !!! said...


Welcome to swiftlet farming and I anm very glad to know about your intension of setting a blog dedicated to swiftlet farming in Borneo.

I am sure that there are lots of things that you can write and try to me innovative in doing so.

One of the most important thing to be a good blogger is not to critisize other bloggers. Why you might have your points, he has his too.

Also try not to be influence by other people's articles. You write what you think is right and you need to think crefully before you let people read your ideas.

If you are not very sure then you write a note that your article is based on your assumptions and no guarantee that it will work.

Focus on something that is unique that are found only on Borneo Island eg those caves, those serinti, those cross fostering, the local ruling, the walet central and so on.

You might want to perhaps visit those government departments who provide the guidelines on swiftlet farming in all the states and etc.

Best of luck to you and welcome to be swiftlet farming blogger.

Anonymous said...

Harry,thank you very much for your insights.You couldn't be more correct to say that as bloggers, we ought to be sensitive to the opinions of other bloggers and readers. After all we write to share and learn from each other.There will definately be a lot to write and share from us here. I hope you will always visit my blog and make comments there.Once again thank you very much for your advices.

Unknown said...

Dear Harry,

Something I feel strongly about is the noise pollution caused by Swiftlet farming.

Your rooftop tweeters will more likely than not contribute to the problems that one day might the malis people to shut down the bird farms due to noise pollution.

My writing is meant to be a constructive criticism and hope that all AF farmers will come up with a long term solution that satisfy all parties.