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Saturday, October 4, 2008

ThermoHygrometer: The Misunderstood Gadget !!!

How do you know that you BH internal Temperatures and Humidity are within the recommended range?

The answer is very simple and straight foward: By looking at those electronic gadget call thermohygrometer.

This gadget comes in various shapes from various manufactures. They can be square or rectangle or perhaps round shape.

Basically the have this digital display that allows you to check your BH temperatures and relative humidity in percentage.

Most of these gadget will allows you to read either the Farenheight (F) or Centigrade (C).

Do you know that most of BH owners do not know how to actually used them?

Some don't even install any in their BH but some have them on every three feet apart?

But my question is "How do you use them effectively or perhaps correctly?".

You know that your BH should not be too hot, above 31*C and, and too dry, below 85% RH.

But how do these thermohygrometer helps you to determine that you are on the right track?

So far only 20% of those BH owners that I met or visited their BH knows how to use the gadget effectively.

If you think you want to know a bit more read these pertinent points about thermohygrometer:

1) Make sure you calibrate the gadget.

If you have two different models placed side by side, I can assure you that the readings given by the two are not the same. So which one is the right one?

Get the them calibrated or perhaps check how many degrees or % are they out of the actual temperature and humidity. You write them on a sticker and paste on the unit. So when you read them later you need to add or deduct the value you wrote on that sticker.

2) Read the Maximum and Minimum.

Most BH owners are not aware on the proper method in using this gadget.

If you want to monitor your BH temperature and humidity, you need to look at the maximum and minimum values of the T and H.

To get these values you need to press the bottons provided. Once pressed their will be an indicator telling you that the readings provided are Max or Min.

These are the important readings that you should record onto a chart.

3) Reset the Max and Min Readings.

Once you have recorded those values (Max and Min) you need to reset the readings.

This can be easily done by clicking on another button that says "reset". Be carefull and please recheck if they have been clicked properly. You can check by clicking on the max and min reading again and they will be that temperature and humidity on that time you are operating.

If you do not reset, you failed to use these important gadget effectively. What happened is that the next time you come in the Max and Min readings will cover that strech of period when you last reset the gadget.

So make sure you reset the gadget every time you have finished taking the readings on to a chart.

4) Get a chart close to the gadget.

The best is to paste or hang a white board beside the gadget and everytime you read the reading record onto the chart or board.

Once this is done you can now determine how your BH doing. If those figures are not within range you have to plan how to rectify or install any equipments to improve them.

You need to ensure that the temperature and humidity are within range.

Just to remind about the recommended ranges:

Temperature : 26*C to 30*C

Humidity: 85% to 95%.

I hope the above informations are usefull and if you face high variations from the recommended value, call 017 755 1318.

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