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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What If You Install Those Nature Sound Using A Separate Amp?

I have this special thought about the use of those nature sound last night while trying to go to sleep.

What will happen if I install two or three tweeters on the walls,in my BH, and connect it to a new set of amplifier playing those water stream flowing/water falling down/cricket sound/frog sound?

Will the sound attract more birds to stay or will it chase away those precious birds?


I think you know what I have in my mind.

I am going to test and see what happen to them.

I am lucky to have those CCTV which I can easily observe the birds reaction.

If they are not irritated then I might have this special tool to get more birds in. If they do chase away the birds, I will stop and close the project.

Can you imagine if this additional sound works?

Remember I always tells all my blog readers that if you want to be the top notch BH in an area with so many BHs, your BH must be the best among the rest.

Let them worry about you and not you to worry about them.

This nature sound might be one of those tools that I have been talking about.

Trust me if it works, I will announce my finding to all those are always kind to read my blog.

Just you wait and see .......

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